Does anyone have a work around for using USMT with a RSA?
I am trying to setup a task as described here but am getting stuck where it copies "y:\applications\4\usmt4\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" because I cannot find the "4" folder. I realize that "4" is the application ID, and my USMT task ID is 46 but that's not found in y:\applications. Has anyone successfully done this or is there a better way to capture a user profile a a pre-task while imaging from a RSA?
Answers (2)
the best thing to do is not copy your scanstate to c:, just run it from the s: share. What I did was copy the usmt structure from my tech station with the waik installed to the share.
Aquire MIG
net use S: \\server\share /user:username password
cd usmt
S:\usmt\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\scanstate S:\USMT\%MAC_ADDRESS% /offlinewindir:c:\windows /all /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml /o /progress:S:\USMT\%MAC_ADDRESS%\proglog.txt /v:13 /l:S:\USMT\%MAC_ADDRESS%\scanlog.txt
net use S: /delete
Deploy MIG
net use S: \\server\share /user:username password
s:\usmt\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\loadstate s:\usmt\%MAC_ADDRESS% /i:s:\usmt\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\migapp.xml /i:s:\usmt\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\miguser.xml /l:s:\usmt\%MAC_ADDRESS%\mig.log /v:5 /uel:120 /ui:domainname\*
net use s: /delete
the /ui:domainname\* only puts back the domain users not the local users.
I had originally run it from my server but I noticed the files disappeared from the server after the task was run. I then looked at the blog I link in the original question and noticed it copied the files to the C drive so I figured that was standard practice. - kcorrie 10 years ago
I see the part I missed in your acquire pre task create a directory with the mac and then the files will go a separate directory instead of over writing them with the next run. I edited the answer to add this - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
I am looking at the get computername task and it looks I can modify this to create a subdir with the computer name to store the mig file in. post you pretask I can probably incorporate that into the vb script as well.
the post script command to apply a mig would be
for 64 bit:
v:\usmt\amd64\loadstate v:\usmt\%COMPUTERNAME% /i:v:\usmt\amd64\migapp.xml /i:v:\usmt\amd64\miguser.xml /l:v:\usmt\%COMPUTERNAME%\mig.log /v:5 /uel:120 /ui:tmccadmn\*
for 32 bit:
v:\usmt\x86\loadstate v:\usmt\%COMPUTERNAME% /i:v:\usmt\x86\migapp.xml /i:v:\usmt\x86\miguser.xml /l:v:\usmt\%COMPUTERNAME%\mig.log /v:5 /uel:120 /ui:tmccadmn\* - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
net use S: \\server\share /user:username password
scanstate S:\USMT\%MAC_ADDRESS% /offlinewindir:c:\windows /all /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml /o /progress:S:\USMT\%MAC_ADDRESS%\proglog.txt /v:13 /l:S:\USMT\%MAC_ADDRESS%\scanlog.txt
net use S: /delete
This seems to copy the profiles to a MIG file successfully. My post-task that I've been working on this morning:
net use S: \\server\share /user:username password
loadstate S:\USMT\%MAC_ADDRESS% /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml
net use S: /delete
LoadState doesn't work. The XML files are not on the server with the MIG file so I don't know why they're missing or where to find them.
EDIT: I just realized that I'm using loadstate but don't have the file available. I'll modify my post-task and see if that fixes it. - kcorrie 10 years ago
for 64bit"
s:\usmt\amd64\loadstate s:\usmt\%MAC_ADDRESS% /i:s:\usmt\amd64\migapp.xml /i:s:\usmt\amd64\miguser.xml /l:s:\usmt\%MAC_ADDRESS%\mig.log /v:5 /uel:120 /ui:domainname\*
for 32 bit:
v:\usmt\x86\loadstate v:\usmt\%MAC_ADDRESS% /i:v:\usmt\x86\migapp.xml /i:v:\usmt\x86\miguser.xml /l:v:\usmt\%MAC_ADDRESS%\mig.log /v:5 /uel:120 /ui:domainname\* - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
So for that line, the path will be
if you are using the latest version of USMT. The alternative would be to use the K1000 to run scanstate.exe with the Scripting module. - mpace 10 years ago