
Dynamic Date Ranges For Kace Query in Excel

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Hi Guys,

I'm attempting to use Excel to build dynamic reports and dashboards within Excel for use with the Kace appliance. I've created a series of queries to pull the data I want from KACE. The only bump in the road is all my queries have a set date range, so if I want to change the dataset I have to manually change the date rage for each query. My questions is, does anyone know of a way of taking date ranges from excel cells to dynamically change the date range on the query?

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I haven't used Excel to query the K1000 but you can use date ranges in a SQL query. Do you always want to query the previous month or something similar? - chucksteel 8 years ago
  • I'd like to be able to query datasets over a series of months including this month. - Druis 8 years ago
    • Can you post an example of one of your queries? - chucksteel 8 years ago
  • Thanks Chuck, I think I've managed to work around it. - Druis 8 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: michaellynton 8 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi Druis - 
I was searching for posts on the forum that mention 'Dashboard', and came across yours. I am a Tableau Developer with years of experience using Kace as well. How is Excel working for you and your dynamic reports? Do you want to give your dashboard an upgrade? If so, I could help you create some actionable insights from your data so you can spend more time asking questions of the data and less time pulling data. 


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