Email notifications from ITNinja
Is there a way on this website t have an email sent to me whenever someone posts an answer to one of my questions? I have a lot of stuff in my activity field, and sometimes it is hard to go back and find it.
Answers (4)
I put this in as a feature request, and it looks as though this is already being planned. :)
On every Q&A, Blogs, etc. you have a Follow Button on the the top of the right site.
I think if you originate the question, you are automatically a follower, and it shows up in your activity field. So far, I have not received any emails though. - WGM_Jeff 12 years ago
But you can see when you have an answer in the activity feed. I know this is not the answer you will hear ;) but I think this is the only way to see if you have new answers... - tecrumors 12 years ago
If for every post you answer, you get an email update then your mailbox will be full of mails from ITNinja.
It is nice to have it in the activity field.
Better option would be to consolidate one post update in a single line rather than multiple and put a star or any other nootification for a new commnet. That we can get to know that a new commnet is there just by having a look.