
Embedded Mobile Broadband Cards - I've set up custom inventory for IMEI number but I can't figure out how to obtain SIM Card #.

I've created  custom inventory field that runs ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c %windir%\sysnative\netsh mbn show interface) - This gives good information that includes the IMEI number. It does not include the SIM or ICCID number or the phone number. I have been all through the registries for the information. I don't think its there. I've played with WMI to find the information and haven't found it yet. I'm running out of ideas. I've been requested to put this into inventory if our tablets have the IMEI number or the capability. Then whether it is active or not. If active, they want phone number. If it isn't the SIM and IMEI number are to be displayed in case a tech wants to active the tablet.


Thank you for any help.


4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Well if you have searched and there is no place you can pull that information from. You can create the fields in Assets and manually add the data of the IMEI and Phone number as needed or you roll out the tablets. - nshah 9 years ago
  • try it here: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/98bedce1-b808-4e65-ae4b-663790b0cb09/aircard-phone-number-extraction?forum=configmanagergeneral - aragorn.2003 9 years ago
    • Thank you for the information. We do not utilize SCCM though. I have Dell KACE. I am going to look further if I can adapt the script for KACE. - sbaitsell 9 years ago
  • I took this one step further. I have MEID Number custom inventory ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c %windir%\sysnative\netsh mbn show interface | findstr "Id") and I have SIM ICC ID custom inventory ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c %windir%\sysnative\netsh mbn show readyinfo "Mobile Broadband" | findstr "SIM ICC") - This is perfect for all our needs. I've been experimenting with Telephone number ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c %windir%\sysnative\netsh mbn show readyinfo "Mobile Broadband" | findstr "Telephone") but it only reports all 0s so far. I may play with that a little more, but I'm happy now! Thank you for your help Aragorn.2003. - sbaitsell 9 years ago
  • Im very interested in doing this to pull imei and sim info from my embedded broadband cards. I've tried adding the custom inventory rules listed in the post above but I'm not getting any results. I created a separate rule for each.

    This is my first time doing a custom rule. Any guidance is appreciated.

    ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c %windir%\sysnative\netsh mbn show interface | findstr "Id")

    ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c %windir%\sysnative\netsh mbn show readyinfo "Mobile Broadband" | findstr "SIM ICC") - azuberi80 8 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: Jako 5 years ago
White Belt

I use the following ps command in my CIR, works like a charm.

ShellCommandTextReturn(%windir%\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -Command "Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Multivariant\UI\Candidates\UICC -Name | foreach {$_.PSChildName}")

Posted by: Techman D 5 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I use the following NETSH commands and filter them by piping to Find.

ShellCommandTextReturn(%windir%\sysnative\cmd.exe /c netsh.exe mbn show interfaces | find "Device Id") AND ShellCommandTextReturn(%windir%\sysnative\cmd.exe /c netsh.exe mbn show readyinfo * | findstr "SIM Telephone")

Example output in the device details:

Device Id  :  123456789012345
AND SIM ICC Id  : 12345678901234567890
Telephone #1 : 1234567890

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