
File Sync - Remove shortcuts/files upon deletion or disabling the file sync?

I'm messing around with file sync at the moment as an easy way to force certain folders out to user's desktops and update them with additional shortcuts should the need arrise. However, it seems that if I disable or delete a file sync, the file still stays there. Doesn't that defeat the meaning of "sync"? If I remove it on KACE, upon next check in I would imagine that it should remove it from the client machine as well, correct? Or is this not the case, and it's simply a dumbed down way to xcopy files to a certain location?

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
From my experience it is a one way sync. The rule is basic, if the file on the target does not match the k1000, make it so.
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

From my experience it is a one way sync.  The rule is basic, if the file on the target does not match the k1000, make it so.

  • Thanks for the simple answer. I guess it's not what I'm looking for, so I won't waste any more time with it =) - sfigg 11 years ago
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