FileZilla 3.5.3 script doubt
if not exist %SystemDrive%\install\Logs\ md %SystemDrive%\install\Logs\
"%~dp0FileZilla_3.5.3_win32-setup.exe" /S
pushd "c:\users"
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir /b/ad') do (
IF NOT EXIST "%%a\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla" (
mkdir "%%a\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla"
copy %~dp0FileZilla.xml "%%a\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla"
Del /q "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\FileZilla FTP Client\Uninstall.lnk"
REM Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%
could any body explain me in the above script how it is copying my custom xml file (FileZilla.xml) to allusers, I found this in ITNINJA notes for FileZilla. I did some research about "%%a" command here used but not clear enough
Any help would be appretiated
Answers (1)
pushd "C:\Users" is making the current directory as C:\Users like cd C:\Users command dir /b/ad is listing out the folder names that are available under C:\Users folder For Example Administrator User1 User2 Test Test1 Public Default User Default All Users etc.. So, Here %%a means C:\Users\\ ------------------------------------- IF NOT EXIST "%%a\Application Data\FileZilla" ( mkdir "%%a\Application Data\FileZilla" copy %~dp0FileZilla.xml "%%a\Application Data\FileZilla" ------------------------------------- Checking that the above listed User's folders contains "AppData\FileZilla" folder or not If the folder "AppData\FileZilla" is not exist under Users folder then it is creating it and copying the xml file to \Appdata\FileZilla folder It is not checking whether the listed User name folders are valid user's profile or not.. What happens to the copying part if the machines has \AppData\FileZilla folder.. It will not copy the xml file.
pushd "C:\Users" is making the current directory as C:\Users like cd C:\Users command
dir /b/ad is listing out the folder names that are available under C:\Users folder
For Example
Default User
All Users
So, Here %%a means C:\Users\<The folders available in C:\Users folder>\
IF NOT EXIST "%%a\Application Data\FileZilla" (
mkdir "%%a\Application Data\FileZilla"
copy %~dp0FileZilla.xml "%%a\Application Data\FileZilla"
Checking that the above listed User's folders contains "AppData\FileZilla" folder or not
If the folder "AppData\FileZilla" is not exist under Users folder then it is creating it and copying the xml file to <UserName>\Appdata\FileZilla folder
It is not checking whether the listed User name folders are valid user's profile or not..
What happens to the copying part if the machines has <UserName>\AppData\FileZilla folder.. It will not copy the xml file.
Excellent Thank you so much, I really appreciate it - ontari.ontari 12 years ago