
Fixing broken KACE agents

Good morning everyone!

How do you usually fix your broken KACE agents.  We have some devices on our local network, as well as external devices to the network.  What type of deployment tools do you use?  

Note: We don't have SCCM.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: Jon_at_GLS 7 years ago
Senior White Belt
PSExec which is part of the PStools suite written by SysInternals which was acquired by Microsoft would be a good start.  If you are going to run PSExec for multiple machines, you'll need to launch them into separate command windows.  See this MS Technet article.

We are now running v 8 general release, but we were part of the beta and many of our beta agents became non-responsive after upgrade to the production version of 8.

The set of commands Quest support had me run to fix non-responsive agents are listed below.  I turned them into a batch file.  You can see the function of the runkbot.exe switches at http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/k1000-5-3-agent-commands-runkbot-exe.  I pushed the output to a local text file and then I had a master batch file collect up the output, so I could examine the out put for any machines that still had issues.

"c:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\Kace\AMPTools.exe" restart > C:\Temp\psexeclog.txt 2>&1  
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\Kace\Runkbot.exe" 1 0 > C:\Temp\psexeclog.txt 2>&1 {Restarts the agent and copies the output to a local text file.}
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\Kace\Runkbot.exe" 3 0 > C:\Temp\psexeclog.txt 2>&1
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\Kace\Runkbot.exe" 4 0 > C:\Temp\psexeclog.txt 2>&1
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\Kace\Runkbot.exe" 6 0 > C:\Temp\psexeclog.txt 2>&1
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\Kace\Runkbot.exe" 4 0 > C:\Temp\psexeclog.txt 2>&1
{We also cleaned up the pre-version 8.0 folders}
IF EXIST "c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Kace" RD "c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Kace" > C:\Temp\psexeclog.txt 2>&1
IF EXIST "c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell" RD "c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell" > C:\Temp\psexeclog.txt 2>&1

I hope that helps.


  • Thanks Jon. What would you do though if the agent wasn't running, or connecting to the K1000 at all? We have a lot of devices (internal and external) that don't even have the AMP agent linking to the KACE server. It is pretty much like the AMP.CONF is cleared out or has no data at all. We currently use Kaspersky to push agent replacements on broken machines, but we will be dropping them soon. - zgillette 7 years ago
    • I'm assuming you've verified that network or host-based firewalls aren't blocking agent-traffic. I'd try completely uninstalling including removing any left-over files and directories. (I don't have the commands, but I think you can find them in the links above.) After that then you can re-push the agent. We use Windows Group Policy for this purpose, but you could use PSExec or Kaspersky. - Jon_at_GLS 7 years ago
  • Jon, I tried your script and it worked for about 3 months but there was some kind of update that messed it up. What changes do I need to do that to that batch file to get it to work? - kgarwood 11 months ago
Posted by: JordanNolan 7 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt

Almost every time I had an issue with an agent it was due to a missing or broken AMP.CONF file.  I ended up writing a script to check that the


line in the AMP.CONF was correct and if not, replace the file with a correct one, then run the "RUNKBOT.exe 4 0" command.  I added this to a GPO and had it as a computer startup script.

This was back in 5.x and 6.x

Posted by: aemalas 6 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I've had this problem due to a failed kace deployment in the past. Before my time. I created a powershell script that used psexec to to uninstall broken agents on remote machines and then install new agent. I think this could work for you as well to repair broken agents in general. Take a look.

Posted by: lama01 6 years ago
Brown Belt

 IDK about any deployment tool but I think this worked for manually forcing the agent to communicate with some of ours...........

first ping both ways from theserver to the KACE SMA and from KACE SMA to the Server. You can go to SETTINGS> SUPPORT > “Run diagnostic utilities” to ping from the appliance.

 On the server in a CMD window,go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\KACE 

Run“amptools.exe get” and see if the KACE SMA server shows up

Regardless, run “amptools.exehost=KACESERVERNAME” to force the agent to report to the host. 

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