
Flash Player 18 not uninstalling 17.x or older versions during upgrade

I always use the same way to install acrobat flash.  I download the flash msi from adobe and run the update using the command line options:

    MsiExec.exe /i "C:\temp\AutoInstaller\FLASHIE\full_flashplayer_win.msi" /qn

When running this command it installs version 18 which is fine, but does not uninstall any older version that was previously installed.  

In the past when updating to a newer version using this method the older version would automatically be removed.

Is there a new command to update and remove rather than just installing the new version?

Thanks for your help!


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  • Thank you for your input. So what I do is that I have a startup script that looks at the version and if there is a new version download and installs it. In the past this was not an issue because it automatically remove the old version. I can use the WMIC to remove the old version, but then there could be a case of me removing it, and the new version not installing correctly. I would prefer not messing with the transform, but that may be my only choice?

    Rich - rich2323 9 years ago

Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

Easy. Just create a transform and add an entry in the RemoveFile table to delete the folder '%Systemroot%\System32\Macromed\Flash'.
Posted by: revel 9 years ago
White Belt

It's based off the upgrade table within the MSI.

Adobe has been absolutely horrible with their MSI upgrade table (I haven't looked at this particular version), so I would not be surprised if there is an issue.

Have you tried manually installing this without the /qn just to confirm the same response?

If so, you might need to create a simple wrapper to remove the previous version, alternatively you can add this version as a supersedence for the previous in SCCM (assuming an SCCM deployment method is being used).

Posted by: rockhead44 9 years ago
Red Belt
Run this line in your batch file prior to calling the .msi

WMIC product where "Name LIKE '%%Adobe Flash Player%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive

Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
WMIC eventually calls the Windows Installer APIs, the same as MSIExec does so one may as well just use that.

However, in installation terms, Flash is just about as basic an app as one could hope for so, in this case, a brute force 'uninstall' is the quickest route.
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