Has anyone deployed and installed SAS Add-in 6.1 using KACE
Good morning fellas, I was given the task to deploy SAS Add-in 6.1 to 500 computers. Since I was given and exe file I did a distribution install. First I did capture file called sdwresponse.properties and created a script to copy to C:\ before distribution install would start. After many tries found out did not install. I manually launch the installation from the installation folder and found out it was failing on task 5 SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control, after some research found out how to fix it. I created a script to check for that file and if exist rename so installation would continue. Deployed again using distribution and did not install. I created script to install it from where the installation file is located c:\programdata\dell\kace\downloads\115782\sas.exe /verysilent -- -responsefile "c:\sdwresponse.properties" and did not install. At this point I’m frustrated because I also found out KACE does not take special characters such - -- so I tried another distribution and script with the following command c:\programdata\dell\kace\downloads\115782\sas.exe /verysilent "--" "-responsefile" "c:\sdwresponse.properties". I run the script from the kbots folder it does not install SAS properly, I can see the installation folder on the program files folder but when I launch SAS switcher utility it does not show anything but I can see it on the add remove programs. At the moment I tried different script methods such run a batch file, launch a program options from scripts. The weird thing is when I make a script to copy a batch file from my computer to copy the batch file to remote computer to the C:\ and run it from there SAS installs fine. If anyone has installed SAS using KACE please let me know what you did or what to do, thanks in advance.