
Has anyone gotten the K2000 to build a Precision 5510 or any other system using a thunderbolt to ethernet and a PCIe Flash Drive?

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I have downloaded the KACE drivers for the 5510, recached the drivers and created a new KBE, that blue screens while loading the KBE with an error of 0xc0000017. I then harvested the drivers from the system, recached the drivers and created a new KBE, still blue screens while loading the KBE with an error of 0xc0000017. I called Dell they had me copy the network and storage drivers from the drivers post install folder to drivers/custom, recached the drivers and created a new KBE, still blue screens while loading the KBE with an error of 0xc0000017. I have tested the KBE on an older system that had successfully built using a previous KBE and it loads properly.


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  • I'm having this difficulty too, except this is with the Dell USB to Ethernet converter and not Thunderbolt + PCIe flashdrive.

    It also doesn't blue screen, well not with a dedicated Precision 5510 KBE, instead it gives a RAMDISK error - insufficient memory. The laptop in question has 16GB installed.

    It bluescreens or fails to find the KBox share with every other KBE we have, but with one built using the 5510 Driver cab it fails with a RAMDISK error.

    Anyone got any ideas? The KBE was built with the storage, network and chipset driver files - I am rebuilding with all the driver files (audio, input etc) but I am not optimistic.


    D - Duncan_H 9 years ago
    • Actually, it is through the Thunderbolt connection...but I also tried a third party USB - ethernet dongle and that also failed. This is despite my adding all the relevant drivers into the boot.wim using DISM. It just 'loses' it's network shortly after booting into KACE. It also refuses to mount the KBox share even when the image has been deployed to a bootable USB.

      Why is it that laptops without a dedicated NIC are a total PITA to image?? - Duncan_H 9 years ago
  • My 5510 bails out on the iastor.sys. I understand most of what is described accept the comment on using DISM to inject the drivers. Inject the drivers into the image on the K2 or into the KBE environment? If so what specifically did you do? - kenrinc 9 years ago

Answers (3)

Posted by: anonymous_128529 9 years ago
Senior White Belt
Like you guys, I have been on this one for a bit. I finally conquered it, but its ugly. haha

Hopefully you guys can help me fine tune it. I am using this in a Windows 7 KBE

Here is how:
BIOS Settings: System Configuration > USB/Thunderbolt Configuration > Check Enable Thunderbolt Pre-Boot and Boot Support options

In My config I am also running AHCI instead of RAID. Not sure if  this affects it or not.

Use Double Driver and pull the following drivers from the 5510:
Realtek USB GbE Family Controller
Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller
Intel(R) USB 3.1 Root Hub 

Download the CAB for the 5510:

Delete everything in the KBE driver folder on the K2.
Drop the Network and Storage folders from the cab along with the driver folders you previously got off of the 5510 into the KBE folder on the K2.
 I cannot get it to work with any of the driver packs so I made one KBE specifically for the 5510.


I contacted Dell K2 support and was advised that this problem is caused by these laptops being UEFI (Even when set to legacy). This means it will not boot to a network KBE. I was advised to create a windows 8.1 Driver pack 5 KBE and boot it from a USB drive. This does work but I do not believe it is a solution.

  • Did they point you to a KB or blog article on how to create PXE over USB nic? I found a few articles on it, but nothing with a K2000. My thought was that this solution was more of a workaround for systems like a MS Surface or Lenova Yoga that are not Dell business series machines. - srober99 9 years ago
    • All you need to do is harvest the USB or Thunderbolt NIC drivers from the laptop. I used Double Driver.
      -Put those in the \\K2000\drivers\kbe_Windows_xx folder along with the PE 5 driver pack.
      -Recache drivers
      -Upload the new KBE.
      -Download the USB Image for the KBE
      -Flash the USB with the FAT32/UEFI option.
      -boot the laptop from USB with the ethernet adapter attached
      This should get you up and running.

      Note: I used the PE 10 Driver Pack for windows 10 installs on a surface - anonymous_128529 9 years ago
    • I never had an issue PXE booting the 5510. As long as you have "Enable thunderbolt boot support" and "Enable USB boot support" checked in BIOS. My SATA is also set for RAID (if that matters). My issue was there were no drivers in the KBE boot environment for Win 7. We decided that for the 5510 we would deploy Win10 only and forget Win7. When I created Win10 KBEs they bombed on the iastor.sys file. I created a USB KBE and downloaded from the K2 and it works fine but because mine has dual drives (PCI SSD and standard SATA) my scripts bomb because I haven't been able to figure out how to set the SSD to drive 0. It seems the SSD can only be set as secondary from what I can tell. - kenrinc 9 years ago
      • Currently the K2000 does not support UEFI PXE booting. So any time you are deploying to a UEFI device, you need to boot via USB. The 5510 can be set to legacy and imaged without UEFI - anonymous_128529 9 years ago
    • I also agree this is not an answer, it's true that UEFI PXE is not supported but if you change to legacy boot options you should be able to PXE this is the case with all the other UEFI machines. Including the new thunderbolt XPS system. Which I have gotten to work using storage drivers from cab

      I think the right combo of drivers should allow you to PXE boot a system set to legacy - sfrank42 9 years ago
Posted by: Duncan_H 9 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have finally (!!!) got this to start deploying. I had to:

1. Rebuild my KBE using files from here: https://support.software.dell.com/download-install-detail/5970513?prodjid=1-D3BJ5S#
2. Remove the iaStorA.sys file from that KBE and replace it as per Dell KB146125.
3. Inject the following drivers (.inf files) from the Precision 5510 cab file using DISM:
6DVVG_A00-00 (iusb3hcs, iusb3hub, iusb3xhc)
JGR0X_A00-00 (RtsBaStorX, RtsP2StorX, RtsPerX, RtsUerXDisableMMC)
RD2VV_A00-00 (tbt70x, tp2p70x)
RMXXK_A00-00 (ausb3hub, ausb3xhc)
NNWKP_A00-00 (rtux64w7)
4. Rebuild the KBE wim file using DISM and commit the changes.
5. Boot into KACE again and this time it should not Blue Screen because of a bad storage driver, not give a RAMDISK error because of a bad chipset driver and WILL see the KBox share because this time it is able to see the USB ports.

Of the .inf files listed above, I do not know if all are necessary but these are the ones that got it working for me.

So it seems Dell have several broken drivers in their Precision 5510 cab (storage and RAMDISK for a start) but also if you use the whole driver pack it will also knacker the USB and Thunderbolt ports. 

  • I followed this but couldn't get to work. BOSD with "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" Stop: 0x0000000A I rebuilt the environment as you suggested although I'm a little unclear on why you need DISM. I copied the drivers up to the share, removed the iostora.sys driver, re-cached, and rebuild using media manager and WinAIK which is how I always do it. The additional drivers were put in the custom directory. It will PXE boot, finds the K2 and begins boot, you get the menu to select your KBE and then win7 loads and then BOSD. - kenrinc 9 years ago
    • I'm not sure why this isn't working for you. I used DISM so I could use trial and error to inject certain drivers directly into the USB image rather than having to wait and get KACE to recache each time (the 5510 wouldn't see the KBOX share initially, so I had to use USB).

      Try changing disk mode from RAID to AHCI / ATA, or vice-versa.
      Try changing RAM if you can.
      Start the PC with a Win7 disk (if available) and run startup repair
      Go into safe mode (if you can) and run: sfc /scannow
      Try putting the image on a USB disk and booting from that - that's what I had to do.

      Did you use all the 5510 drivers when rebuilding? Try it with just the ones I listed above directly injected using DISM, and maybe write the image to USB rather than trying to get it to PXE boot to it.

      I don't work for Dell, just had so much trouble trying to get the 5510 to work I just had to share my experience... - Duncan_H 9 years ago
      • I've just tried this again...another Precision 5510...and it failed. I used exactly the same KBE and image as last time (after I had to p*ss around with it for a day to get it to work) and now it doesn't work. Dell - WTF is going on with your driver packs?!?!?! - Duncan_H 9 years ago
    • kenrinc - I am now getting this BSOD too, same as you. It worked a few weeks ago using the procedure I described. I then had cause to image another 5510 and it failed when in KACE because it couldn't mount the KBOX share all of a sudden. This is the same KBE and system image that worked before. So I rebuilt the KBE on a mem stick and that worked. Rebuilt the very same KBE (using the EXACT SAME DRIVERS...are you listening Dell???) but this time on KACE as opposed to a USB stick...and it fails with a BSOD just as it's about to boot into the PXE environment. Exactly the same time as the RAMDISK error I was getting before, only this time it doesn't actually say RAMDISK error. It's an IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_EQUAL BSOD with error code 0x00000000A

      Did you ever resolve this BSOD? - Duncan_H 9 years ago
      • Duncan_H - Well, sort of. I confirmed with KACE tech support that you cannot boot the 5510 directly via PXE. I built the exact same boot environment only I had the K2000 build it for a USB image as was stated above. Imaging works fine from USB but I think we are going to forego buying anymore 5510s due to this issue.

        I will guess that if you have the K2 built the KBE image for USB and copy the image to a USB stick it will work. - kenrinc 9 years ago
      • kenrinc - yes, we were able to get it to deploy using a USB stick. But this is not the most practical way of deploying several units. It also makes it more of a pain to make sure correct drivers are installed etc. That's assuming we are deploying an image we can log into before handing to the client...

        Can't boot the 5510 Precision via PXE?? Poor show Dell, poor show. - Duncan_H 9 years ago
Posted by: robcav 8 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Using PE10, I added these 3 drivers (6K2TK_A00-00, JGR0X_A00-00, NNWKP_A00-00) to the K2000 and removed the default PE10 driver pack. Built the KBE and this worked for the M5510.

If I keep the A01 driver pack, I get the BSOD; so I will wait for Dell to figure out which driver in the pack is causing this and re release the pack. Until then, using a custom KBE for the 5 5510s we own will work. 

  • I ended up having to do a Precision T3420 recently and it had the same setup: M2 PCIE flash drive. It's the same hardware that is in the 5510 (samsung). I go into BIOS and turn off all the SATA channels so only the PCIE is enabled. I went through so many variations I can't even remember what I did. Right now I just use a USB with Win10 KBE Environment (deploying win7). It's fine since I don't have many of these to do. Driver feed injects drivers after deploy and no issues.

    Good call on the removing of the default pack. I didn't think about that. So you built a standard MS PE10 boot environment, injected the drivers and pumped that up to the K2? - kenrinc 8 years ago
    • Ours only have SATA drives; maybe that is why I've had such luck.

      More news----I've found that you also need to do a BIOS update and boot to the USB-C Ethernet at least once if you plan on using standard USB Ethernet dongles (we have a stock of them, so its important for us). After that, any USB dongle will work. HOWEVER---I still have two machines that for some reason I get the RAMDISK error. The other 3 machines work every time, and those two machines never work. Its really strange. I'm going to try the flash disk boot method next, and if that doesnt work then I am going to start pulling out hairs one by one and hope that somehow helps.

      I just used the media manager to inject the 5510 drivers, but yeah. - robcav 8 years ago
      • Adding to the saga .... just received a batch of 3 new 5510s. The image that I so carefully crafted for my previous 5510s no longer works on the newer 5510s! I boot up on my USB KBE to the KACE console and do my regular deploy of the image which deploys fine. When the system boots it blue screens at the Win7 animation. So evidently hardware has been changed ... - kenrinc 8 years ago
  • I am having the same issue as Kenrinc with my 3510's. It blue screens on the win7 animation. I have not found a solution as of yet. I am going on a over a month now with support trying to resolve this issue. Any advice would be appreciated. - jmeasley 8 years ago
    • Darn. I deleted my reply. Anyway, my systems came with Toshiba SSD nvme drives. Tech support told me I have to get drivers from Toshiba. Why I can't get them from support is anybodys guess. Now that drivers for Win7 are essentially monolithic, we have to go direct.

      My Win7 image does not have the nvme hotfix that MS sent out earlier so I may just try updating my latest image and moving it up to my K2 to see if it fixes it. - kenrinc 8 years ago
      • I installed the hotfix on my 3510 and it worked for me. Thanks for the help! - jmeasley 8 years ago

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