Have a copy file Script that is supposed to be copying to the C:\Windows\system32 folder, However it appears to be dropping the file into the Syswow64 folder. What am I missing?
Current command:
xcopy "\\NetworkShare\installation sw\Kace\Script Use\CopyFiles\Abyss.dll" "C:\Windows\System32\" /y
The copy is coming from a network share and is using Network Creds. to run the copy. If run locally via a Run/CMD the command works flawlessly. Is there something that needs to be specified for Kace SMA to put it in the correct folder?
Thanks, Anthony
Answers (1)
The KACE SMA Agent and it's child processes already run under the 32-bit subsystem, so you should just be able to point the files to %windir%\system32 and they will be auto-redirected to SysWOW64.
On the reverse, to get them to the native 64-bit system32 folder, you would point them to %windir%\sysnative
Quest Kace agent is a 32-bit application and therefore uses 32-bit Windows libraries and executables
I understand a native x64 KACE SMA agent is coming, but you might want to contact support to see if it's available for the new version 12.0 of the KACE SMA.
(this might require you to uninstall the existing x86 agent, and install the x64 one).