help with cmdlines.txt
Can anyone help with my cmdlines.txt file.
My unattended install on Windows 2000 Pro works fine apart from the hotfixes installed during my guisetup.
Any ideas?
My cmdlines.txt is below :-
Thanks in advance.
My unattended install on Windows 2000 Pro works fine apart from the hotfixes installed during my guisetup.
Any ideas?
My cmdlines.txt is below :-
;Internet Explorer 6 install
".\applications\IE6\ie6setup.exe /q:a /r:n"
;Security Patches
".\Updates\Security\scripten.exe /Q:A /R:N /T:\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp" ; KB814078 (replaced js56nen.exe with scripten.exe)
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB823559-x86-ENU.exe -u -z -q" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Q818043_W2K_SP5_x86_EN.EXE -u -z -q" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB822831-x86-ENU.exe -u -z -q" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB824105-x86-ENU.exe -u -z -q" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB823182-x86-ENU.exe -u -z -q" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB825119-x86-ENU.exe -u -z -q" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB826232-x86-ENU.exe /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB828035-x86-ENU.exe /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB820888-x86-ENU.exe -u -z -q" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB329115-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\ENU_Q832483_MDAC_x86.EXE /Q:A /R:N /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n""
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB828741-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB835732-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB837001-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows-KB870669-x86-ENU.exe /Q:A /R:N /T:\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB839645-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB840315-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB841873-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB842526-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB841872-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\IE6.0sp1-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe /Q:A /R:N /T:\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp" ; WORKING
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB840987-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB841356-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB841533-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\IE6.0sp1-KB873377-Windows-2000-XP-x86-ENU.exe /passive /noreset /quiet"
".\Updates\Security\Windows2000-KB828749-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
;".\Updates\Security\ /quiet /noreset /quiet"
;".\Updates\Security\ /quiet /noreset /quiet"
;DirectX 9.0c install
".\applications\DirectX\directx_9c_redist.exe /Q /T:\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp /C"
"\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp\dxsetup.exe /silent"
;"rename \\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Sysytem32\d3d8thk.dll d3d8thk.old"
;"copy .\applications\DirectX\d3d8thk.dll \\TESTER\C$\WINNT\System32"
:Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.01 install
"\\SERVER\C$\WINNT\System32\msiexec.exe /qb- /i @\\Server\REMINST\Setup\English\Images\\$OEM$\Applications\AR_601\Adobe Reader 6.0.1.msi""
Thanks in advance.
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Answers (23)
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Posted by:
20 years ago
Posted by:
20 years ago
Thanks cdupuis.
Not exactly what I was looking for right now but will be something I look into once I can verify if my changes have succeded.
I have changed my cmdlist.txt file to refer to a update.cmd file.
The test PC is building just next to me now, entering the GUISetup.
Anyone with links/help for .cmd files called from cmdlines.txt would be appreciated.
Not exactly what I was looking for right now but will be something I look into once I can verify if my changes have succeded.
I have changed my cmdlist.txt file to refer to a update.cmd file.
The test PC is building just next to me now, entering the GUISetup.
Anyone with links/help for .cmd files called from cmdlines.txt would be appreciated.
Posted by:
20 years ago
Posted by:
20 years ago
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
think of the above suggestion as an alternative to the cmdlines.txt route.
I have chenged my appraoch as mentioned in my last post.
I have referenced an "update.cmd" from the cmdlines.txt but instead of the partial success as indicated above (mraked ; WORKING) I have no success.
This is the cmd file (Ignore the REMs, I am testing each component) :-
SET SD=%Systemdrive%\Updates
REM Internet Explorer 6 install
REM ECHO Installing IE6...
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Apps\IE6\ie6setup.exe /q:a /r:n" REM NOT WORKING
REM TITLE Hotfixes
REM Security Patches
REM ECHO Installing MS Hotfixes...
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\scripten.exe /Q:A /R:N /T:\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp" REM KB814078 (replaced js56nen.exe with scripten.exe)
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB823559.exe -u -z -q" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\Q818043.EXE -u -z -q" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB822831.exe -u -z -q" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB824105.exe -u -z -q" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB823182.exe -u -z -q" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB825119.exe -u -z -q" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB826232.exe /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB828035.exe /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB820888.exe -u -z -q" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB329115.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\Q832483.EXE /Q:A /R:N /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n""
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB828741.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB835732.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB837001.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB870669.exe /Q:A /R:N /T:\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB839645.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB840315.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB841873.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB842526.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB841872.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB823353.exe /Q:A /R:N /T:\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp" REM WORKING
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB840987.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB841356.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB841533.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB873377.exe /passive /noreset /quiet"
"START /WAIT %SD%\Security\KB828749.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\ /passive /noreset /quiet"
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Security\ /passive /noreset /quiet"
ECHO Done.
REM DirectX 9.0c install
REM ECHO Installing DirectX...
REM "START /WAIT %SD%\Apps\DirectX\directx_9c.exe /Q:A /T:\\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Temp /C"
REM "START /WAIT %Systemdrive%\WINNT\Temp\dxsetup.exe /silent"
REM rename \\TESTER\C$\WINNT\Sysytem32\d3d8thk.dll d3d8thk.old
REM copy %SD%\Apps\DirectX\d3d8thk.dll \\TESTER\C$\WINNT\System32
REM Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.01 install
REM ECHO Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.01...
REM "START /WAIT \\SERVER\C$\WINNT\System32\msiexec.exe /qb- /i @%SD%\Apps\AR_601\AdbeRdr601.msi"
ECHO Running QChain...
"START /WAIT %SD%\Security\qchain.exe" REM QChain.exe
ECHO Done.
and this is my cmdlines.txt file :-
Any ideas?
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
Also, have you considered slipstreaming the hotfixes into your source i386 files?
I did briefly but as I am somewhat prone to serious difficulties with things of this nature I thought it best to apply them after installation, if you have a link to a step by step approach to do this I will certainly give it a look.
Cheers for your help.
Posted by:
20 years ago
The Autologon and GuiRunOnce options takes place after the OS has been installed, it actually logs the station in automatically with the Admin account specified in AutoLogon.
Refresh my memory as to when the cmdlines.txt option is actually run. It may be that it needs the OS to be logged in to run, in that case you will need to set AutoLogon and include the administrator account you wish to use and you must also set AutoLogonCount to =1 or higher depending if the installs require reboots.
Refresh my memory as to when the cmdlines.txt option is actually run. It may be that it needs the OS to be logged in to run, in that case you will need to set AutoLogon and include the administrator account you wish to use and you must also set AutoLogonCount to =1 or higher depending if the installs require reboots.
Posted by:
20 years ago
The cmdlines.txt is run during the "registering components" part of the GUISetup.
I do logon using the autologin to complete the IE6 install, when it works...
I suppose I could just run the cmd file from the runonce event and then reboot and log in again to complete.
I'l have to run a check.cmd I suppose to make sure that I ran my reboot before after I had logged on the second time, with a reg ksy check... If you know what I mean.
I'll try the runonce again ;¬)
Again thanks for your time.
I do logon using the autologin to complete the IE6 install, when it works...
I suppose I could just run the cmd file from the runonce event and then reboot and log in again to complete.
I'l have to run a check.cmd I suppose to make sure that I ran my reboot before after I had logged on the second time, with a reg ksy check... If you know what I mean.
I'll try the runonce again ;¬)
Again thanks for your time.
Posted by:
20 years ago
Add your Updates.cmd to the GuiRunOnce and set Autologon to 1, add a shutdown /r command to the end of your cmd file.
If you are logging in a second time to complete any other installs then set the Autologon to 2, the only problem with that is you cannot specify another batch or script file for the second time around so you cannot automate the reboot, therefore leaving a station logged in as an admin.
If you are logging in a second time to complete any other installs then set the Autologon to 2, the only problem with that is you cannot specify another batch or script file for the second time around so you cannot automate the reboot, therefore leaving a station logged in as an admin.
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
Add your Updates.cmd to the GuiRunOnce and set Autologon to 1, add a shutdown /r command to the end of your cmd file.
If you are logging in a second time to complete any other installs then set the Autologon to 2, the only problem with that is you cannot specify another batch or script file for the second time around so you cannot automate the reboot, therefore leaving a station logged in as an admin.
I'm using Win2k Pro, does that have shutdown.exe?
I plan to run set a reg key in update.cmd which adds reboot.cmd to runoonce so it runs when the 2nd autologin is done, with a minute or so wait before reboot that is. Is this possible?
I'll have to think about the code though.
Posted by:
20 years ago
The tip I posted earlier explains where to add files to your source image so they are copied to the local machine during install but it works only for RIS, what you could do is place shutdown.exe on a network share and have your updates.cmd copy it locally, run it with /r and delete it. You could also simplify adding your runonce entry by making a .reg file and have updates.cmd copy it locally, run with /s and delte it before the shutdown is performed.
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
The tip I posted earlier explains where to add files to your source image so they are copied to the local machine during install but it works only for RIS, what you could do is place shutdown.exe on a network share and have your updates.cmd copy it locally, run it with /r and delete it. You could also simplify adding your runonce entry by making a .reg file and have updates.cmd copy it locally, run with /s and delte it before the shutdown is performed.
I have my image and $OEM$ files etc. setup already I'm thinking that I shouldn't copy all my update exe's into the image but setup a share and just point the cmd file towards them instead, as long as they are inside my REMINST share I suppose.
Where can I download "shutdown.exe"?
Posted by:
20 years ago
Make a new folder in your "drivers folder under $OEM$ and place any files you want on the local machine in there. Here is a link I found to Shutdown.exe, I confirmed it is live, but did not verify the file, should be it.
On another note, in our setup, we have slipstreamed all of the updates, it really simplifies things.
On another note, in our setup, we have slipstreamed all of the updates, it really simplifies things.
Posted by:
20 years ago
Thanks for the link I'm just tryin my changes to the setup now i.e. no cmdlist.txt but a runonce entry for update.cmd.
If all goes well I'll add the reboot code etc.
Do you know of a method that I can write direct to the registry from a cmd file?
So I can add the runonce key I need before reboot.
You mentioned slipstreaming the updates before, any decent documentation on the web that you know of?
If all goes well I'll add the reboot code etc.
Do you know of a method that I can write direct to the registry from a cmd file?
So I can add the runonce key I need before reboot.
You mentioned slipstreaming the updates before, any decent documentation on the web that you know of?
Posted by:
20 years ago
This is what I followed;en-us;814847
As far as editing the registry, I am sure there is a way, but I suggest just calling a .reg file, just add it to your $OEM$\drivers folder in a new folder and if you are worried about users seeing it or running it, just a delete entry for the file at the end of your updates.cmd file.;en-us;814847
As far as editing the registry, I am sure there is a way, but I suggest just calling a .reg file, just add it to your $OEM$\drivers folder in a new folder and if you are worried about users seeing it or running it, just a delete entry for the file at the end of your updates.cmd file.
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
As far as editing the registry, I am sure there is a way, but I suggest just calling a .reg file, just add it to your $OEM$\drivers folder in a new folder and if you are worried about users seeing it or running it, just a delete entry for the file at the end of your updates.cmd file.
Be sure to call it as updates.reg /s to do it silently.
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
This is what I followed;en-us;814847
As far as editing the registry, I am sure there is a way, but I suggest just calling a .reg file, just add it to your $OEM$\drivers folder in a new folder and if you are worried about users seeing it or running it, just a delete entry for the file at the end of your updates.cmd file.
That's great thanks, I'll scour through those when I have time to kill!
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
As far as editing the registry, I am sure there is a way, but I suggest just calling a .reg file, just add it to your $OEM$\drivers folder in a new folder and if you are worried about users seeing it or running it, just a delete entry for the file at the end of your updates.cmd file.
Be sure to call it as updates.reg /s to do it silently.
already done ;¬)
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: Pseudopath
Thanks for the link I'm just tryin my changes to the setup now i.e. no cmdlist.txt but a runonce entry for update.cmd.
Okay everything works up to the cmd file execution at the runonce event.
My update.cmd files works fine as far as I can see and the update exe's are all executed, the focus changes on the console.
But from the file shown below only the Adobe Acrobat install works ;¬(
Any ideas? I have tried using "CMD /C", "START /WAIT" and adding quotes before and after all to no avail!
REM Internet Explorer 6 install
ECHO Installing IE6...
C:\Updates\Apps\IE6\ie6setup.exe /q:a /r:n REM WORKS
ECHO Done.
TITLE Hotfixes
REM Security Patches
ECHO Installing MS Hotfixes...
C:\Updates\Security\scripten.exe /Q:A /R:N REM KB814078 (replaced js56nen.exe with scripten.exe)
C:\Updates\Security\KB823559.exe -u -z -q REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\Q818043.EXE -u -z -q REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\KB822831.exe -u -z -q REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\KB824105.exe -u -z -q REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\KB823182.exe -u -z -q REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\KB825119.exe -u -z -q REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\KB826232.exe /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB828035.exe /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB820888.exe -u -z -q REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\KB329115.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\Q832483.EXE /Q:A /R:N /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" REM not WORKS
C:\Updates\Security\KB828741.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB835732.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB837001.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB870669.exe /Q:A /R:N REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\KB839645.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB840315.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB841873.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB842526.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB841872.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB823353.exe /Q:A /R:N REM not WORKING
C:\Updates\Security\KB840987.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB841356.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB841533.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB873377.exe /passive /noreset /quiet
C:\Updates\Security\KB828749.EXE /passive /noreset /quiet
REM C:\Updates\Security\ /passive /noreset /quiet
REM C:\Updates\Security\ /passive /noreset /quiet
ECHO Done.
REM Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.01 install
ECHO Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.01...
C:\WINNT\System32\msiexec.exe /qb- /i "C:\Updates\Apps\AR_601\AdbeRdr601.msi" REM installs
ECHO Done.
ECHO Running QChain...
C:\Updates\Security\qchain.exe REM QChain.exe
ECHO Done.
TITLE Setting Registry Values
ECHO Setting registry values...
regedit /s C:\Updates\runonceEx0.reg
REM C:\Updates\shutdown.exe /L /R /T:30 "The system is being rebooted in 30 seconds to complete installation." /Y
ECHO Done.
Thanks in advance.
Posted by:
20 years ago
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
The only suggestion I have is to get those updates out of that file and slipstream them into the i386 files, then maybe look at getting the application installs done via Group Policy.
Yeah, it's looking like I might have to. I've already printed the documents you provided the links for and I'll probably go at it tomorrow.
It's already 215am here and I should have been in bed several hours ago.
Anyway thanks very much.
PS just downloaded WinInstall LE 2003 so I'll have a look at that too.
Posted by:
20 years ago
ORIGINAL: Pseudopath
ORIGINAL: cdupuis
The only suggestion I have is to get those updates out of that file and slipstream them into the i386 files, then maybe look at getting the application installs done via Group Policy.
Yeah, it's looking like I might have to. I've already printed the documents you provided the links for and I'll probably go at it tomorrow.
Just tested my slipstream version of my RIS image, bloomin thing works too! (just gotta sort the application distribution but I'm sure I can lick that...)
Thanks for the help although it should be called something like "hack"stream as I spent at least three hours extracting, checking, deleting, copying and editing!
I've only gotta move my $OEM$ with drivers and the "streamed" files over from my OEM image to the retail now...
And all for the fun of it, goodness I worry myself sometimes ;¬/
Next on my list after that is to buy XP pro and "hack" that too ;¬P
Cheers again!
Posted by:
20 years ago
Glad to hear you got Slipstream to work the first time. It is really not that bad, but there is a combination of technologies you need to use.
1. Make a good secure base image (SP4, Blaster Patch, LSASS Patch etc, major security updates.)
2. Use 1 flat file and the Single Instance Storage Groveler service with RIS to host multiple installs in one set of source files (differntiated by .sif files for each machine type)
3. Use Software Updates Server to apply the rest of the patches.
4. Only update your source files with required updates (such as Blaster patch etc, very critical security updates only)
5. Use an enterprise Antivirus such as Mcafee or Symantec.
This will allow you to host a secure image that is secure the second it is deployed, it also eases the pain for the next time you need to slipstream a "Very critical update".
1. Make a good secure base image (SP4, Blaster Patch, LSASS Patch etc, major security updates.)
2. Use 1 flat file and the Single Instance Storage Groveler service with RIS to host multiple installs in one set of source files (differntiated by .sif files for each machine type)
3. Use Software Updates Server to apply the rest of the patches.
4. Only update your source files with required updates (such as Blaster patch etc, very critical security updates only)
5. Use an enterprise Antivirus such as Mcafee or Symantec.
This will allow you to host a secure image that is secure the second it is deployed, it also eases the pain for the next time you need to slipstream a "Very critical update".
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