
Help with script for .bat to call local MSI with TRANSFORMS

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Can anyone PLEASE let me know what i'm doing wrong here! I simply want a .BAT that can be clicked on the desktop and will call a MSI with TRANSFORMS that are on the local PC, I can enter: 

msiexec /i "c:\drivers\adobe acrobat XI\acropro.msi" TRANSFORMS="c:\drivers\adobe acrobat XI\Acropro.mst" /q

and it installs like a dream! but I cant for the life of me get a .bat to simply call that same msi. When clicked the .BAT just opens and stays. which I think means the script is wrong. I though what ever you could call in CMD, you could do the same with a .bat. Originally i designed this MSI to be deployed using psexec, but it seems to destroy the command across the network. The MSI will kick off in the task manager, but never installs.

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  • You're correct that there is little difference between a CMD and a BAT so this should work. Have you tried changing the /q to /qb to show the basic interface to get some visual feedback for testing purposes? - chucksteel 10 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
Is the desktop redirected to a server share?
Try this in your batch file:

c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i "c:\drivers\adobe acrobat XI\acropro.msi" TRANSFORMS="c:\drivers\adobe acrobat XI\Acropro.mst" /qb!  

Make sure neither the MSI nor the MST are open in any other application.
Posted by: kalucas 10 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Try taking the /q off and running it so you can see where it's getting hung up.  My guess is it is waiting for some sort of user interaction.  If it couldn't find your files, it likely wouldn't keep the window open.

Typically with the /q switch you would also want to set the user interface level:
n - No UI
b - basic UI
r - reduced UI
f - Full UI (default)
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