
Hi All, please i need a script to install a driver with my .msi?

i need write a script to install a driver with .msi file. please help new to packaging

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Answers (4)

Posted by: jaybee96 11 years ago
Red Belt

or use the AdminStudio - Driver Wizard.. easy ...couple of clicks and you're done

  • Hi, you could use the DPINST from Microsoft. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff544842(v=vs.85).aspx The site provides excellent documentation. Good luck! - EVEEN 11 years ago
Posted by: samzeeco 11 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt

1. Create a text file

2. rename text file to install.bat

3. Right Click -> Edit

4. msiexec /i "<drivername>.msi" MSIFASTINSTALL=1 /qn /norestart

5. Save and close, then with the msi and install.bat in the same directory double click the install.bat to run it.


This is just a quick easy way to do it. It doesn't contain any logic to see if it's installed already or not. Just a quick and dirty install. If you need to put in logic, look up some information on "if exist" and "Reg query"

  • Thanks for all your Info, i have been off for a few days, i will give it a shot tomorrow when am back. - TheLaw 11 years ago
Posted by: piyushnasa 11 years ago
Red Belt

Here is step by step instruction to create the driver package with Installshield Admin Studio.



Posted by: rileyz 11 years ago
Red Belt

Google i say! But it dosent help if you dont know what your looking for.



Use DPisnt, with a CA to install te drivers.
After you install the drivers, there should be in entry in add/remove programs. Note that and make a CA to remove the drivers. *then you can tell dpisnt to hide the entry and use the MSI to remove the drivers.

If you have Installshield, i think there is a built in wizard tool??


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