
How can I apply organizational fast switching to a user label?

I have four organizations. The only account I have that has access to System and all four orgs is Admin. I want to grant this same access to a user label. Everyone assigned to the label will see and have access to all four orgs. The only way I've found to do this so far is to go to System and then Users and add each member individually and give them admin access. I don't want to have to do this manually. In addition, I can't find the KKE that I saw on Organizations. It looks like that may have been taken down. Along with the KACE Support chat feature. 

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  • The users in SYSTEM for ORGS are manually. It is a separation of duty. As far as I know today, you have to create accounts manually in the SYSTEM ORG.

    There is no LDAP on that side to use and configure. So you could set them to your AD password and be able to switch back and forth but once you change your AD you will have to change the ORG side as well. - nshah 10 years ago

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