
How can I incorporate my InstallShield installation compiles into a TFS based Continuous Integration model?

Hi all,

We are going to be moving from our current, scheduled, scripted binary compiles and installation builds to a Continuous Integration model based on TFS Build Server/Controller/Agent/Build Definitions.  I'm wondering if there is any information out there regarding how to pull my installation compiles using InstallShield into the mix.

I'm guessing this is going to come via a post build script called from the TFS Build Definition.  If anyone out there has some experience, examples, etc illustrating what they've done I would more than appreciate the information.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: Badger 9 years ago
Red Belt

I did this on a site. Best job ever!!

Create your ISM (in XML format is best) , ensure you have relative paths for EVERYTHING

you then need to get something, Schtask, TFS build server, to run the command to execute the InstallShield remote build.

takes a bit of playing with the command lines.

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