How can I search for software versions using Adv Search or Smart Labels?
If I want to search for computers with Java that have less than Java 8.111, is a Custom Inventory Rule the only (or best) method to find actual versions?
I've never understood how the search below is supposed to help. It's the Software Title, Publisher or Version I don't understand fully. If I search for a software version, how does it know what software name to check. If I search for a software title and version, it checks for software with that title and any software with any title with that version. The different rows don't work together. The returned machines from below all have Java, but the versions can be above or below the number I set.
I've tried changing "contains" to begins with, but same results.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
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are you planning on using the label elsewhere or would a report work for you - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
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Posted by:
8 years ago
I think I found a way that works below, but if you have a report suggestion, alternate options are always handy.
Do you see any holes in my setup here? The goal being to find Java installs less than 8.111.
that is about what a report would look like also. I just used software version is less then 8.0.111 - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
Posted by:
8 years ago
Maybe you can answer this for me then. How does that "Software Version" dropdown know what software to look at? I haven't found anything in the Help to clear it up for me.
If I use the setup below (top and bottom group rows are reversed from my first post), it returns any Java installs and doesn't look at the version number. I tried 8.111 down to 2.111 and get the same 40 machines returned each time. It's like Software Version doesn't actually tie in to the Software Titles row. I've had this problem ever since Kace first offered the dropdowns like this. If I remove the Software Version row, I get the same 40 machines. All this is how I ended up using the double Software Titles rows from my second post.
the version is 8.0.111 - SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
I am having the same question. I need to find all the PCs that are missing a title or is an older version of the same title. - DLCurtis 8 years ago
I got it working for me with the screenshot in a previous post from 10/19. The screenshot is just after this sentence: "The goal being to find Java installs less than 8.111." - murbot 8 years ago
I did try the same from your photo. Did not change my returned list. Got the same number. I would post but I can not find a place to add a photo - DLCurtis 8 years ago