
How can I update the BIOS on a workstation using the K1000?

I am looking for the best way to update the BIOS on our workstations.  I tried to run it as a script and it would not update the BIOS.

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt

I believe this would be under "Dell Updates" under Distribution.

Run an inventory and see what driver/bios updates your computers need, then when the time is right run an install and it will take care of it for you.

The only downside is if there is a large gap between your current bios and the newest bios there isn't an automatic way to increment the update. There have been a few discussions on here about work arounds for that problem though.

  • I was able to run the Inventory and Update, but it failed four different items. Is there a way to see why these failed? - tsienkiewicz@ldirx.com 11 years ago
    • If you look at the Update Inventory Catalog for that particular machine it should tell you what all it is trying to update. It should also tell you what it's current BIOs version is and what version it is trying to update to.
      If the gap is too large it may have to be manually incremented up. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
      • I did look there and I do not believe that there is that big of gap. I was just trying to find if they give an explanation or an error number on why they failed. - tsienkiewicz@ldirx.com 11 years ago
      • The only way to be for sure is to try and manually instead the same BIOS level it's trying to install and see if it goes through. It'll tell you what's wrong if it can't complete. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
Posted by: nshah 11 years ago
Red Belt

Not all models are supported with the Dell Updates so you may want to check to see if yours is. 

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