
How can you script a path that has changing PC names with each query?

Hello All,

I'm trying to deploy software with the KACE 1000 scripts and I'm having an issue. 

A Software .exe file has been added to multiple computers to their share (I.E. \\deg1266\c$).  I need to have KACE find said file and execute it, but I am unable to correctly script KACE to find said paths as each one changes with the computer.  So one computer path would be \\deg1255\c$, then next pc would be \\deg1298\c$, and so on.  

So I have two questions:

1) How can I script a path so KACE can find said file on each PC without have to create a script for each PC?

2) Is there a command variable to place in the path to represent the PC it's accessing (I.E., instead of \\deg1266\c$ you type \\[$COMPUTER_NAME]\c$?

Thank you.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 4 years ago
Red Belt

The script runs on the client, not the server, so the path is specified locally, e.g. c:\path\to\software.exe.

Also, rather than copying the file separately you can upload it as a dependency of the script. The client will then download the file to the system before running the script.

  • That makes much more sense and I got it to work. Thanks! - DoggettOne 4 years ago
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