
How do I get K1000 to query Windows 7 activation status.

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How do I get Kace K1000 to query Windows 7 activation status. Is their way to create a Custom Inventory Report or create a label for non activation systems. I would like to which machine are not activate and try to active them using Kace.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
to get the license information create a custom CIR


you can then create a report and use a filter where the CIR is not null and you will get information like:


to change or activate the license you can use scripts

for license other then kms activation 


for KMS you only need to be in the domain and use the -ATO command only

  • Is there a way do custom inventory for those machines that are not activated? The. I can run the active script against those machine. - reytech1 9 years ago
    • those will show with this cir as well - SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
      • Thanks so Much!!!! That work!! I able to see non-activated systems. - reytech1 9 years ago
      • you can create a report with a filter to just show those machines - SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
are you talking kms or mak activation?


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