How does app streaming using XenApp change the app packaging process?
How does app streaming using XenApp change the app packaging process?
Answers (1)
The only packaging for the desktop envolved would be the xenapp client, since individual apps are streamed to the client and thus packages would not been needed.
The only way packaging would be need is IF you require something special for your uses, say a direct shortcut to the xenapp app, even then you could use GPO or a hundred other management tools.
Now if you are talking about deployment to servers, I would say not much. Requirements, setup and issues will be different due to the difference how the app is being used locally. Though the packaging process would be pretty much the same.
No you cannot reliably port desktop fat install packages to citrix server and hope they will work, some will but there are slight differences with Terminal Service type solutions.
I just used the term "App packaging process" in general .. Thanks anyways... - hrs2cool 12 years ago