
How ot Automate Codec Tweak Tool (from K-Lite Codec Pack Basic)

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Hi folks,
Does anyone know how to set the Media Foundation settings (I need to disable .mp4 to allow subitles in Windows Media Player from an mp4 with srt file)?
I can do all the other customisations I need with the K-Lite Codec Basic.exe /unattend switch and making the .bat & .ini files, that's fine, but there doesn't appear to be a way to automate the Media Foundation settings in the Codec Tweak Tool.
I've tried Backup and Restore, but it doesn't do the Media Foundation settings.
I'll be pushing this out to a lot of Win7 x32, x64 & Server2008R2 machines via SCCM so it's got to be fully automated and I don't want to snapshot it if I can avoid it.
Thanks for any advice you can give

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Answers (1)

Posted by: kool68 7 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
This was answered for me by the Admin at the Codec forum. To whom I'm very grateful.
You can do that with the Codec Tweak Tool. If you click on the Help button, then you can see a full list of all command line parameters.

To disable MF for mp4:
codectweaktool.exe /win7ds /disable_mf_ext_x86=".mp4"

Be aware that x64 Windows still use the x86 WMP by default.

If you use the Standard version of the pack, then you can also install MPC-HC. That is an excellent player, and it doesn't need any tweaks to be able play everything. You can install it as a secondary player, and keep WMP as the default if you prefer that. Individual users can change their preferred player through the "Default Programs" applet of Windows."
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