How to call an exe which is stored in a binary table through a vbscript custom action in the msi?
I have a requirement to call an exe which is stored in the binary table via a vbscript custom action,since my custom action runs before the installValide action and CopyFiles action. Hence, if I have the exe file in binary table I am thinking of calling the exe from there using vbscript custom action to get the return code and store it in a property using this vbscript.
I am using same kind of the logic. Now i have to extract 6 files. The Query specifies a single BinaryName to be extracted. But how to extract multiple binary files to temp. Could you please share your thoughts on the same. - ssmsam12345 9 years ago
Answers (1)
Here's an excerpt of code you can try. I just streamed notepad.exe into the binary table, and gave it a name of 'notepad' as a test. It's a quick example of extracting it to the %temp% folder and running it (note there is no cleanup etc). One thing to remember though, is the session object isn't available in a deferred context. So if you wanted (and probably should be) to run your exe in a deferred context then you may want to consider at what point in the sequence you extract and run your exe.
Dim oFSO : Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim tempFolder : tempFolder = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)
Dim outputFile : outputFile = tempFolder & "\notepad.exe" extractFromBinary "notepad", outputFile If oFSO.fileExists(outputFile) Then
Dim objShell : Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run (outputFile)
Set objShell = Nothing
End If Function extractFromBinary(ByVal binaryName, ByVal binaryOutputFile) Const msiReadStreamInteger = 0
Const msiReadStreamBytes = 1
Const msiReadStreamAnsi = 2
Const msiReadStreamDirect = 3 Dim binaryView : Set binaryView = Session.Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM Binary WHERE Name = '" & binaryName & "'")
binaryView.Execute Dim binaryRecord : Set binaryRecord = binaryView.Fetch
Dim binaryData : binaryData = binaryRecord.ReadStream(2, binaryRecord.DataSize(2), msiReadStreamAnsi)
Set binaryRecord = Nothing
Dim binaryStream : Set binaryStream = oFSO.CreateTextFile(binaryOutputFile, True)
binaryStream.Write binaryData
Set binaryStream = Nothing
End Function Set oFSO = Nothing
It might be simpler to include the EXE in your package (maybe in %TEMP%, also) and, once your script has executed it, have the script delete it. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago