How to create Java Deployment Rule?
1. Identify critical applets and web start applications, either by location (e.g., name (e.g. Solitaire), or code-sign hash. - Completed
2. Create a file called ruleset.xml - Completed
3. Package your ruleset.xml into a signed DeploymentRuleSet.jar – Stuck. L
4. Deploy your DeploymentRuleSet.jar to user desktops
5. Verify usage of your rule set on a client desktop
I have the ruleset.xml and converted it to DeploymentRuleSet.jar.
I got stuck on signing the jar file.
I checked all forums but they have different approach on signing the jar file.
Guys you know how I can simply sign the jar file? What I need to install to use a tool to sign the jar
Answers (1)
This is what I used:
little bit confused on how they put the parameters. I have the exported certificate from our organization. Can I use that one? - ajcbasilio 9 years ago
I believe you can use the one you already have.
Add it through the Java Control Panel as described in the link.
For the next part, you may need to only do the jarsigner portion but I included both in case:
1) keytool -import -file <YourCert.crt> -alias <AliasOfYourCert> -keystore <YourFile.jks>
2) jarsigner -verbose -keystore server.p12 -storepass <YourPassword> -storetype pkcs12 DeploymentRuleSet.jar <TheAliasOfYourCert>
Now copy the jar file into C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment and test. Also, look for "trusted.cacerts" in your AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security folder and copy that file to C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\Security in your package. - emgz01 9 years ago-
1) keytool -import -file <YourCert.crt> -alias <AliasOfYourCert> -keystore <YourFile.jks>
Is the .jks file can create everywhere?
My certificate is .cer I just rename it as .crt.
2) jarsigner -verbose -keystore server.p12 -storepass <YourPassword> -storetype pkcs12 DeploymentRuleSet.jar <TheAliasOfYourCert>
who is server.p12? the -storetype "pkcs12" refer to .cer? - ajcbasilio 9 years ago -
keytool.exe -import -file "C:\Temp\deprule\cert.crt" -alias mycert -keystore "C:\Temp\deprule\mycert.jks" -noprompt - ajcbasilio 9 years ago
jarsigner.exe -verbose -keystore "C:\Temp\deprule\mycert.jks" -storepass changeit -storetype pkcs12 "C:\Temp\deprule\DeploymentRuleSet.jar" mycert - ajcbasilio 9 years ago
following it this is my error
jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: DerInputStream.getLe
ngth(): lengthTag=109, too big. - ajcbasilio 9 years ago