How to figure out Alluser=1 property pass by seeing log files not by editing msi.
1.How to know installation as done by passing alluser=1 or alluser=2 in log file,
2.If i pass alluser=1 in msi if the user as only user privileges then installation fails right but application installed successfully.
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7 years ago
How to know installation as done by passing alluser=1 or alluser=2 in log file,
Errr...have you even *opened* a log? Properties and their values are listed at the end.
installation fails right but application installed successfully.What do you mean by "installation fails right"? Do you mean that your deployment mechanism reports it as a failure? The log will tell you what the Windows Installer return code is. If you mean that you see an error message but the application has installed, then your MSI is seriously broken!
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