How to install IE10 via MSI with /update-no options?
We are utilizing the MSI to install and it mostly works
Except it sits there and downloads a slew of updates during installation.
We have a lot of machines on very slow WAN links and the installation is taking a lot of time to install because it's going out to MS web sites to download things (verified via Wireshark).
We are installing on Windows 7 Enterprise with SP1 32-bit
I see that if I use the .exe I can do a:
switch (whether it works or not I don't know)
Is there an equivalent option/switch if you use the .MSI?
I can't seem to find anything anywhere on that.
Thank you
Answers (2)
Well I cannot be absolutely sure our installation does not go out to MS web to obtain more updates, but the following batch file works for us using the IE 10 exe created from IEAK. Note: I initially had trouble preventing IE 10 from auto upgrading so that is the reason for the multiple identical registry entries - I wanted to make sure it was being applied. It doesn't hurt anything and seems to work alright. Take it for what it's worth.
@echo off
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "EnableAutoUpgrade" /t REG_DWORD /d "00000000" /f /reg:64
start /wait IE10-Windows6.1-x64-en-us.exe /passive
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "EnableAutoUpgrade" /t REG_DWORD /d "00000000" /f /reg:64
start /wait dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "EnableAutoUpgrade" /t REG_DWORD /d "00000000" /f /reg:64
please someone could pass me the installer ieak 10 or tell me where to download it, on the microsoft page is no longer available.
thank you. - hevilcru 6 years ago
Are you deploying via GPO?? If not, don't use the IEAK MSI.
I have played with that and it just does not do what they promise.
I use the EXEs and put the command line arg on then then put it into your deployment tool (SCCM, LANDesk etc)
please someone could pass me the installer ieak 10 or tell me where to download it, on the microsoft page is no longer available.
thank you. - hevilcru 6 years ago
please someone could pass me the installer ieak 10 or tell me where to download it, on the microsoft page is no longer available.
thank you. - hevilcru 6 years ago