
how to install ip printer through kace

ip printer install

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Answers (3)

Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt
You can use the scripting engine in the KBOX to run a script to add printers. Here is a website that has a list of scripts that you could use.


One template i like to use is a built in wizard under Scripting > Configuration Policy Tab. The Event Log Report, once you run through the wizard, how the KBOX can run a vbs script. You simply have to replace the information with your script or just create a new one with that as a example.

  • There are some good scripts there - JimmytheGuru 12 years ago
Posted by: ckubaska 12 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
I've setup printers in Kace using scripts to run a bat file with the command start \\printerservername\printername
And I've allowed users to install the printers from the Software Library. Works great and users can only install printers to systems based on Software Library permissions.
Posted by: hchavarria 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I run a script using the following command "rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry" there are several parameters you can use with this command but so far we have does this without any issues.

  • We have had no issues running the same command. - mrush 12 years ago
  • When I run the script with the same commands locally on a machine it works perfectly and i am struggling to deploy through KACE - hillarya@union.edu 5 years ago

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