How to install multiple patches with one command line
Application(MapInfo 12.5.2.exe) extracted 4 patches along with MSI.
I have tried to install multiple patches along with MSI by using below commands but it didn't work
1. msiexec /I <path of MSI> /patch " <path of patch1>; <path of patch2>; <path of patch3>; <path of patch4>" /qb!
2. msiexec /I <path of MSI> PATCH="<path of patch1>; <path of patch2>; <path of patch3>; <path of patch4>" /qb!
3. msiexec /I <path of MSI> /update "<path of patch1>; <path of patch2>; <path of patch3>; <path of patch4>" /qb!
Please give me suggestion on this
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So what happened when command line install was executed from an elevated command prompt, targeting the directory that hosts the MSI & patch files using the /qb switch? Installing each one at a time.... - Maidens 7 years ago
Answers (2)
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Posted by:
7 years ago
Actually, msiexec /i A:\Example.msi PATCH=msipatch.msp;msipatch2.msp /qb should work. You can try the following:
msiexec /i A:\Example.msi /qb
msiexec /p msipatch.msp;msipatch2.msp /n {00000001-0002-0000-0000-624474736554} /qb
Where "/n {ProductCode}" specifies a particular instance of the product.
If the last command does not work as expected, try to add REINSTALLMODE="ecmus" REINSTALL="ALL"
msiexec /i A:\Example.msi /qb
msiexec /p msipatch.msp;msipatch2.msp /n {00000001-0002-0000-0000-624474736554} /qb
Where "/n {ProductCode}" specifies a particular instance of the product.
If the last command does not work as expected, try to add REINSTALLMODE="ecmus" REINSTALL="ALL"
Posted by:
7 years ago