How to make Windows Firewall Security alert silent using AutoIT?
HI All,
I am working on IBM Lotus Quickr Connector. While installing this app following Windows firewall security alert is prompting.
Am using Auto It script to install it silently. The first installation is fine but if we uninstall and install the app for second time the installation process is not ending. In task manager the IBM_AutoIT.exe is still running. I am using the following code
$InstallCommand = @ScriptDir & "\Source\qkrconn.exe" & " /Install /quiet ADDLOCAL=WindowsExplorer,LotusNotes,MicrosoftOffice /NORESTART"
$pid = RunWait ($InstallCommand)
WinWaitActive("Authentication Required","","5")
If WinExists("Authentication Required") Then
Is there anything wrong in this code
Can anybody help me with this issue.
Thanks in Advance
The issue could be because you need a reboot after the uninstallation in order for the second attempt of instalallation to be successful.. - dj_xest 11 years ago