
How to remove Office 2010 32 bit when installing Office 2013 64 bit from the KBox 1000

The company purchased office 2013 64 bit before i came onboard. I have the Office 2013 64 package created and working as a Managed install. I created the package using the OCT and selected remove all previous versions of office. The Manage install works great on a PC that has no other office package installed on it, but when i try to push it to a PC with office 2010 32 bit i wont install because "We cant install the 64bit version of Office cause we found the following 32 bit version of Office on your PC. Can someone tell me how I can go about getting the 64 bit install to work, removing the 32 bit version of office 2010. Screenshots would be very helpfull. Is there something I need to do from the OCT package I created, .....?????

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Answers (2)

Posted by: ekgcorp 11 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt

Try this... You should be able to run Office Uninstall of 32 bit before install by using "Add installations and Run Programs"

If you want to use straight MSI call then do /x {productcode for Office32bit} /qn (that way if it does not find it, it wont notify users)

Better yet would be to create that logic into a wise script where it first checks for it, and then runs msiexec with /qb!... at least that way your users will know what is going on when the uninstall is happening, and arent left in the dark.

Posted by: Chris.Thomson@Sitel.Com 11 years ago
Yellow Belt

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\setup.exe" /uninstall ProPlus /config \\<SERVER>\sdp$\Microsoft\Office\2010_ProPlus_x86_SP1\SilentUninstallConfig.xml


 <Configuration Product="ProPlus">

<Display Level="Basic" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" NoCancel="Yes" AcceptEula="yes" />

<Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="AutoAlways" />

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