How to terminate IE process when it prompts together with Interactive Services Detection?
My application launches IE automatically after installation and it shows a gear icon on task bar when I open the message the IE browser was launched. Do you knowhow it will turn off or kill the process but it will not affect the current IE session of the user.
Answers (2)
Open up services by going to run and typing services.msc. Under services, look for 'Interactive Services Detection'. Stop the service and set the startup type to Disabled. This is an uneeded windows service. This should stop the gear icon from appearing on the task bar.
yes but still the IE pops and installation will not finish if the ie will not closed. Im doing no user intervention on installation. - ajcbasilio 11 years ago
You want IE to pop and then close? - Hammer1790 11 years ago
No I want to kill IE launched by application during installation without affecting the ie session of user if ever there's ie launched. - ajcbasilio 11 years ago
Are you running a script from the K1000 or is this a separate .exe or msi package? You can use 'taskkill /IM iexplore.exe to kill IE during the install. - Hammer1790 11 years ago
its an msi package if I will use task kill all iexplore.exe will kill. how about ie session of the user? I will kill the ie session of the installer. - ajcbasilio 11 years ago
Keep it simple.
If the IE window is popping up as part of the installation, there *has* to be a Custom Action triggering it. Find that and disable it by adding an impossible-to-meet condition to its eecution. I normally use '0=1' for that.
I will agree with VBScab on this one. If IE has to open up for some reason you will have to use taskkill with a filter (type taskkill /? in the command prompt for options).
Example: taskkill /F /FI "USERNAME eq NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /IM iexplore.exe - Hammer1790 11 years ago-
No, that's NOT what I said.
I'm not a fan of killing processes. At least not without first prompting the user 38 times beforehand, since they tend to get a little upset when IT spoil their Facebook sessions.
What I suggested is stopping IE popping up in the first place. As stated, if it's happening in the installer and it's an MSI, it *has* to be being triggered by a Custom Action. If it's not an MSI - and the OP needs to make sure that any EXE isn't exttracting and executing an MSI - then make it into one! After all, as my constant droning on has it, you should *never* let vendors' set-up EXEs loose on your workstations. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago-
I understood what you said @VBScab.
I was just adding that if for some reason ajcbasilio HAD to have IE run during the install that she could kill just the process created by the SYSTEM and not the process created by the local user using taskkill.
I personally would prefer the cut out the entire IE window using the method you described. - Hammer1790 11 years ago
Hi VSSCab. I already checked the custom actions but most of the custom actions were stored in a dll. This is a vendor msi. I searched all batch/vbs files inside the extracted sources but I didn't find lines that triggers the IE to launched.
Hi Hammer1790 I will try that. Killing SYSTEM session of IE.
Thanks everyone I'll keep you posted. - ajcbasilio 11 years ago