How would I put it using MDT?
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The install works but a "Trust Signature" popup shows. How would I make the Certificate install silently like the program itself? Would I add a script in the Task Sequence and if so, what would it say?
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Posted by:
9 years ago
as a separate task, do the install, accept the cert install. Then use certmgr to export the certificate. Or you may even be able to export it from the original install.
once you have the cert, you can use certmgr or certutil to install the cert first, silently, then run your install
You should edit the above so that 'accept' becomes 'except'.
Please forgive my correction but I do so in the interests of universal understanding rather than (my usual!) simple pedantry. If a foreign language speaker were to pop your sentence in to Google Translate, it wouldn't make any sense. - anonymous_9363 9 years ago-
I meant accept. Do the normal original install on a machine. Accept the cert install. Once the cert (and app) is installed. you can then export the certificate to use for the silent certificate install, before installing the application silently - Badger 9 years ago
Ah! "Accept the installation of the certificate." Gotcha... - anonymous_9363 9 years ago
I see how you could want 'except'. Normally we would do the install 'except (not) the cert' but, in this case, def accept, to get the cert. I was about to change it when I re read it. Cheers - Badger 9 years ago
I tried that using a command line install and it failed. Any suggestions? - jokerZwild 9 years ago
any more clues on the cmd line you used - Badger 9 years ago
the cmd line for the Virtual clone software by itself was "Seup VCD (version).exe" /S
I extracted the cert but the issue is installing it silently using the APP option in MDT. For the cert. i created it to a .rar file and used the cmd line:"Cer_as_exe.exe" /S and the cert file errored out whereas the VCD popped up with the cer install.
Would it be better to just install the cert to the image and then pick and choose what apps to install afterwards. I though Cert were profile specific - jokerZwild 9 years ago
Posted by:
9 years ago
You want to install it as a script, or cmd, do the cert silently then the VCD software should be ok. Why would you put the cert in a rar file?? Don't put it in a rar file, run certmgr /x /x mycert.cer
DONT use the /x I have put in there, just a guide...
when the cert is in, the VCD should install silently
That was one way I found.
As for the certmgr, would the command line in the Application look something like this:
"run certmgr mycert.cer" /S.
Also the file saves as a p7b file instead of a cert. - jokerZwild 9 years ago-
that's fine, I am pretty sure that certmgr can handle p7b. when you export it, you may be able to choose .cer - Badger 9 years ago
Now is that something I would put in the Task Sequence or create a new Application for? - jokerZwild 9 years ago
to clarify, certutil is the bit you want to use, NOT certmgr. you should be able to just and extra task, script, whatever you choose, before you try to install the EXE (for the app) silently - Badger 9 years ago
So I could basically use this command line by adding a new application but choose the option of "Application without source files etc" option and put the command line to something like this
cmd /c certutil -addstore CA " "\\appserver\soft$\nameofcert.p7b"
or could it be
cmd /c certutil -addstore CA "\folderpath\folderpath\nameofcert.p7b"
considering I'm connected to the server and it isn't part of a domain.
What would the "Working Directory" path file be?
\Applications\VCD Cert or something similar? - jokerZwild 9 years ago