
I am not able to get Office 365 to install on Windows 10

I have tried every suggestion I can find online to build a configuration.xml file to install Office 365.  I have used the Microsoft tool https://config.office.com/ to build it.  Nothing is working.  I have pulled the setup.exe from our OWA and built the configuration.xml from https://config.office.com.  The current reiteration I am using is listed below.  I had to move the zip file I created to our clientdrop location, since it is over 2GB in size.  I can't get Office 365 to install on my test machine let alone a production machine.  I need help.  I have been battling with this for over two months with no movement.  When I run it, this window pops up right away.



  <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Current">

    <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">

      <Language ID="en-us" />

      <Language ID="MatchPreviousMSI" />

      <ExcludeApp ID="Groove" />

      <ExcludeApp ID="Lync" />

      <ExcludeApp ID="OneNote" />



  <Property Name="SharedComputerLicensing" Value="0" />

  <Property Name="PinIconsToTaskbar" Value="FALSE" />

  <Property Name="SCLCacheOverride" Value="0" />

  <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="0" />

  <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE" />

  <Property Name="DeviceBasedLicensing" Value="0" />

  <Updates Enabled="TRUE" />


    <IgnoreProduct ID="InfoPath" />

    <IgnoreProduct ID="InfoPathR" />

    <IgnoreProduct ID="PrjPro" />

    <IgnoreProduct ID="PrjStd" />

    <IgnoreProduct ID="SharePointDesigner" />

    <IgnoreProduct ID="VisPro" />

    <IgnoreProduct ID="VisStd" />



    <Setup Name="Company" Value="Sparton" />

    <User Key="software\microsoft\office\16.0\excel\options" Name="defaultformat" Value="60" Type="REG_DWORD" App="excel16" Id="L_SaveExcelfilesas" />

    <User Key="software\microsoft\office\16.0\powerpoint\options" Name="defaultformat" Value="52" Type="REG_DWORD" App="ppt16" Id="L_SavePowerPointfilesas" />

    <User Key="software\microsoft\office\16.0\word\options" Name="defaultformat" Value="ODT" Type="REG_SZ" App="word16" Id="L_SaveWordfilesas" />


  <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />

  <Logging Level="Off" />


1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • How about creating a bat file to run the setup /configure config.xml command silently, pack it up with your deployment files, and then just call the bat file? - phillybits 4 years ago

Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: CarstenBuscher 4 years ago
Senior Purple Belt

Top Answer

I use this Batch to install O365

IF NOT EXIST "C:\TempOffice" (MKDIR "C:\TempOffice") ELSE (DEL "C:\TempOffice\*.*" /F /S /Q)
XCOPY /E *.* "C:\TempOffice"
PUSHD %cd%
CD "C:\TempOffice"
setup.exe /configure Configuration.xml
RMDIR /S /Q "c:\Tempoffice"

The batchfile is placed in the same folder as the setup.exe.

In the install options of the managed installation (k1000) i selected overwrite Command and entered wscript.exe //b //nologo install.vbs as commandline (perhaps the description is different... i use the german version of the k1000)

Posted by: rileyz 4 years ago
Red Belt

When building the offline installer (which I presume you are doing), trying using command prompt to run the command below. I have used PowerShell in the past and it is just easier to use command prompt - I wont go into details about the PowerShell issues.

Also, in the Configuration.xml, the path to download/install from needs to be full path, it can not be a relative path - again this will cause all sorts of problems, so just use a full path. Also like in CarstenBuscher batch, make sure the folder exists!

setup.exe /configure Configuration.xml
Posted by: rock_star 4 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

There are lot of issue that we have seen while office install show error :

1. Reboot might be pending 

2. There is conflict between the flavor of office you are trying to install with existing installed application ( 64 office component vs 32 bit )

and so on ...

You should try to look at logs that get created and see what reason it might be failing for and then install application .

Also have to change logging from current to create logs for application install :

<Logging Level="Off" />  --> <Logging Path="%temp%" />

Posted by: Norlag 4 years ago
White Belt

Try and run the setup manually from an alternate internet connection, or using ISP supplied DNS server settings, and not one of the free ones. See if that works. We had been using on site windows domain controllers, pointing at as our forwarding dns server for unresolved lookups, but found things would work when we used an alternate internet connection with ISP supplied DNS settings.

Put it down to the free external provider not geo-locating the machines correctly, and as such, was getting the wrong Microsoft CDN addresses sent to the machine, which it couldn't connect to. Changed our dns forwarding settings to our ISP and things started working again. Had previous experience with the google DNS servers doing the same thing not geolocating our corporate website properly. We had diferent versions of the website depending on where in the world you where. Change to ISP provided DNS and things started behaving. 

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