
I am trying to install an exe, it starts the install but stops at the next button and i can't figure out where to put the next step

i have a program setup in software then distribution and a script, when i try and run the exe it starts and then when it get's to the next button it stops not sure where to put the /q tried it on the script says it installed but it didn't

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Nico_K 2 years ago
Red Belt

you should contact the vendor of the software and ask how to install this software silently.
Here you can find a collection (unfortunately no more managed) for silent installs: https://silentswitch.wordpress.com/

Posted by: TheyCallMeBacon 2 years ago
White Belt

You can try to ask the .exe for the switches:

  • Navigate to the folder with the exe on the command line
  • Enter [filename].exe /? <enter>

The /? switch may return a popup that lists the switches.

If that doesn't work, use a test machine and try /qn (quiet - no prompts) or /s (silent) or even /silent.  It all depends on how that installer was written.  Not all installers conform to standard conventions.

Tip:  If the file is on a network share and you don't want to copy it locally, you can assign the folder a drive letter:

net use Q: \\servername\folder\folder\folder (Q: can be any unused drive letter.)

Then on the command line, just type Q: <enter> to open the folder "locally".

Posted by: jepoor61 2 years ago
White Belt

I agree with the other posts. I will say that I have had conflicts between creating the install task with silent switches and setting the actual KACE script to not notify. Try one or the other. Just maybe!

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