
I can't search for a ticket by number when the categories field is checked to see all categories

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I can't search for a ticket by number when the categories field is checked to see all categories. When I access the admin portal I get the ticket view and display all filters / reports. Has anyone had this problem and could help?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 5 years ago
Red Belt

Rather than use the search mechanism I created a custom search engine query in Chrome. 

  1. Open Chrome's settings
  2. Click on Search Engine
  3. Click Manage Search Engines
  4. Click Add
  5. Enter a name for the search engine, mine is "KACE Ticket"
  6. Enter a keyword for the search, mine is kace
  7. For the URL enter https://yoursma.domain.tld/adminui/ticket.php?ID=%s

Once that is saved you can enter kace and the ticket id in the url/search bar to go directly to that ticket. It's been a huge time saver for me. If you aren't a Chrome user, you can probably setup something similar in the other browsers.

  • I understand, however, what I need is that a user who is an administrator has the same access to the filters of the field "view by:" and access to view all tickets in the common portal without the extension / admin.
    In the portal https://mydomain.com/admin I can see all filters and ticket, more in the portal https://meudominio.com - LucianoEVD 5 years ago

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