
Ignore error on specific postinstall only

We have an image deployment with a problematic postinstall - Kasperksy Endpoint.   The install completes successfully (software is fully functional), but Kace throws up a failed task error message, which breaks the automation.  Is there way to have kace specifically skip/ignore errors on specific tasks?  I know you can set the image to continue on errors, but I'd like to keep the prompting for other, real errors that may occur.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • If KACE can't ignore the exit code, then you could wrap your installer in a script to ignore the code:

    objShell.Run "<MyInstaller>"
    If Err.Number = <error code to ignore> Then
    End if

    My VBScripting skills are a bit rusty, but the principal is there - intercept the bad error code and reset it to 0. Only do it for your known error code, that way any other errors are still trapped and reported correctly. - dunnpy 9 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
You can add a runonce command as the last step of your deployment to call the install on the next reboot.  When the box reboots after kace cleanup the runonce will execute and install. 

I like to use a batch file for this type of call so it can do the install, break autologin and reboot the box after the install

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