Imported managed Installs from K1000 that call a powershell script are trying to call powershell from absolute path of c:\KACE\Applications\[ID]\Powershell.exe
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Due to the rising complexity of packages and needing to do steps such as removing prior versions, configuration, ETC; many of our managed installs call powershell scripts.
It seems that any post-install task in the K2000 that is classified as an "Application" has a hard set action where it will prepend the path of the package's folder to the command. I've tried several methods around this including calling out the absolute path of powershell.exe but the working directory path still gets prepended to the command.
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6 years ago
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Thanks! Do you happen to know if this edit will be tossed out each time the application is refreshed and an updated version is obtained from the K1000? - Kiyolaka 6 years ago
It will, apologies. We are looking at ways to improve that, but you won't see anything soon. - cserrins 6 years ago
That makes sense. I'm still fairly new to the K2000 appliance. Do applications linked from the K1000 automatically refresh themselves when there is a change/update on the K1000 or does it require going into the imported task and clicking "replace" ? - Kiyolaka 6 years ago
At this time you must click replace. We are looking at that too. - cserrins 6 years ago
Thanks! I was concerned about any manual edits to the XML reverting themselves if the software packages did auto-update themselves. - Kiyolaka 6 years ago