
Installing Access 2003 after Office 2007 and it breaks Outlook 2007

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We have several Access databases that are not working in Access 2007 so I have to deploy Access 2003. I created an MST using ORK. It installs Access 2003 without any issues and the 2 versions of Access seem to be cohabitating just fine but the install for some reason pins the Outlook 2003 icon to the Start menu. When users click on the Outlook Icon it looks for Outlook 2003, fails and then corrupts Outlook 2007. At that point sometimes a Office repair will work and other times I have to completely remove Office 2007 and reinstall. When I created the MST I made all options except Access 2003 Not Available and I can't figure out why it is placing that Outlook 2003 icon there. If I first open Outlook 2007 it goes through a setup like thing and after a few minutes Outlook 2007 will open  and place the Outlook 2007 icon on the Start Menu. It seems the 2003 MST is still partially installing Outlook 2003 so how do I get it to not install anything that has to do with Outlook? 

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Answers (1)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 12 years ago
Red Belt

I'm not sure if this will do the trick but have you tried installing Office 2003 with a customised config.xml file instead of using an MSP?

Also I assume you meant you created an MSP for Office 2003, using the OCT? If not, that's generally the way to go. Run the setup with a parameter /admin


  • I always used MSTs or CMW for Office 2003 installs. I thought MSPs were for newer versions of office. How do you use a config.xml file? - jmoody76 12 years ago
  • MS info on config.xml in 2003.
    Historically I've used it when we needed to deploy just one component of Office, as it sounds like youre doing. - Moedius 12 years ago

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