intercept function
Hi! I'm looking for a way or a program that can intercept function. I found a microsoft detours, but they are quite expensive and a bit outdated. Maybe someone has an idea? Maybe something like microsoft detours?
Answers (2)
something like
or try
Good choice. These tools have similar characteristics - MastAvalons 11 years ago
As for Microsoft Detours? - gromret 11 years ago
Two Basic Techniques for Intercepting System Function Calls
Most methods of intercepting arbitrary function calls work by preparing a DLL that replaces the target function to be intercepted and then injecting the DLL to the target process; upon attaching to the target process, the DLL hooks itself to the target function. This technique is suitable, because the source code for the target application is not available most of the time, and it is relatively simple to write a DLL that contains the replacement function, separating it from the rest of the software.
Two intercepting methods have been studied and analyzed. Syringe works by modifying the function import entries (thunking table). On the other hand, the Detours library directly modifies the target function (in the target process space) to make an unconditional jump to the replacement function. Optionally, it provides a trampoline function that can call the original function.
The Detours technique follows this latter method because Syringe has trouble finding the thunks in many cases, and it does not provide trampoline capability to call the original function. Injecting the DLL works the same way in both cases.
Thank you all. topic closed - Bazylio 11 years ago - Bazylio 11 years ago
If the intercept functions - the only thing you need.
As for the tools to capture features, you may want to pay attention to easyhook - Robert Miles 11 years ago