
Interesting About installation of MSI package (mozilla firefox) as i understood

HI Experts, i have repackaged "Mozilla Firefox" its a advertised product and installed it with command line, here it follows

msiexec /i <path of installation package> PROPERTY=ADDLOCAL  ,i deleted installation files from "program files" and a copy  of installation package from "c:windows\installer" , than also iit woking ( i mean once deleted files and if i try to access the browser , it is once again getting installed and even it is putting files in "program files" folder and in c:\windows\installer, Please guys let me know the reason for what is been going on? and is this for PROPERTY "ADDLOCAL"? , as i understand ADDLOCAL , installs files locaaly, that means in "program files or do i mis understood , please make me correct

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Answers (2)

Posted by: sumitsingh1984 12 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt


Can you confirm if the installer has access to sourcedir(i.e the location or folder where you did the installation from)?


Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

The repair of files does not happen from Cache folder of c:\Windows\Installer but from the Sourcedir.. the directory from where you have installed the source.

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