
Invitation for free RayPack 1.4 seminar, March 17-18 (Schaumburg,IL)

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Where: Hilton Garden Inn Schaumburg

March 17. & 18. 2015
Morning Session : 10am - 1pm
Afternoon Session: 2pm - 5pm
Evening Session: 6pm - 9pm
incl. snacks and drinks

RayPack 1.4 : Repackaging for a WISEr generation

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you went to your favorite software house, told them that your business requires a specific functionality, and they actually surprised you with its delivery in the next software release? We listen to our customers, and strive to satisfy their needs whenever we see a benefit for the user community.

Raynet is proud to present RayPack 1.4, providing best of breed facilities for successful application packaging for Packagers by Packagers.

Come and join Raynet for the launch of RayPack 1.4 in a city near you for this half-day seminar where we’ll update you on the new features and enhancements of RayPack 1.4 to improve the quality of your services and control the process for Application Management.

What’s new in RayPack 1.4 ?

  • New look and Feel (Windows 10)
  • New virtual format : VMWare ThinApp
  • Package Signing
  • PackPoint
  • Enhanced: App-V 4.6 & 5.0 configuration

And much more, please check the release notes for details.

During this FREE seminar you will learn about

  • The alternative solution the packaging world has been waiting for to create, edit and transform robust and reliable MSI, App-V, ThinApp and SWV packages.
  • How a powerful / web-based workflow system can support your Software Packaging Projects
  • How to speed up the intake & documentation process and ensure higher quality
  • How to improve the quality along the Application Lifecycle Management process by using intelligent test rules and quality control

Your Speaker

With over 15+ years of experience, Jeroen is the expert for Application Lifecycle Management related products.

Besides his role as Sr. Trainer /Consultant for these products, Jeroen is also founder of AppManagEvent ( leading industry event in the EMEA for Application & Desktop Readiness) and www.crtfy.com , an independent portal for Raynet and Flexera Software product certifications

Jeroen’s current focus is helping customers to successfully migrate to Windows 7/8, Application Virtualization (App-V,ThinApp,XenApp) , Application Compatibility and License Optimization.

Who should attend?

  • It Management
  • Application (Re)Packagers
  • SysAdmins
  • IT Professionals with interest in Application Lifecycle Management


Attend this seminar and you’ll be entered in a drawing for one free license of RayEval.

We hope you can join us, space is limited so take this opportunity to secure your space now!
Please feel free to forward this invitation to any colleagues you feel would be interested in and who would benefit from attending this session.

Free Registration:

Registration for Mar.17. (morning session)
Registration for Mar.17. (afternoon session)
Registration for Mar.17. (evening session)

Registration for Mar.18. (morning session)
Registration for Mar.18. (afternoon session)
Registration for Mar.18. (evening session)

Limited seats available.

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