
Is it possible to define alerts for tickets that go unassigned for x amount of time?

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Is it possible define (via checkbox, dropdown, and/or rule), the ability to notify (via email alert) a queue owner (e.g. Agent or Manager), if a ticket has remained in the unassigned state for a defined interval, as per an SLA 1 hour ?

Is it possible to do that in KACE?  We are currently running version 12.1.169

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Nico_K 2 years ago
Red Belt

Yes, indeed.
This is what Custom Ticket Rules are for.
There are some predefined which nearly do what you want, so feel free to change them or create a new one.

Posted by: irosenfeld 2 years ago
Yellow Belt

I thought this was an interesting question, so I looked into setting up that rule myself.

I'm having trouble understanding how to set up a rule with time. If I want a rule to be a ticket that was created over an hour ago, how do I enter it into the "Define Ticket Rule"? What value is it looking for in the field [Created] > [___________________]? I tried 60, 1hr, 01:00, but they did not work.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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