Is there a log file I can watch when Agent Tasks are running?
I'd like to be able to "stalk" agent tasks that are running on a particular machine or group of machines via the K1000 (SMA). Particularly, machines that are being patched, or scripts and managed installs/uninstalls being ran manually.
For example, I'd like to be able to watch step by step what the agent is doing when I click RUN on a Managed Install/Uninstall.
Thank you!
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6 years ago
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Most of those things will generate entries in the KAgent.log file, if not there, then the konea.log.
Logs are located:
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE\konea.log and C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE\user\KAgent.log
macOS: /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/data/konea.log and /Library/Application Support/Quest/KACE/data/user/KAgent.log
Thanks for that! I was looking more for a live view of what the agent is doing. I love the /var/log files on a Mac, because I get that live view...not so much with Windows (that I can find). Within the K1000 under Settings>Support>Agent Tasks I can KIND of see what's going on. - edullum 6 years ago
FYI, you can open the KACE logs in Console for the live view. I'm not familiar with a similar tool for Windows. - chucksteel 6 years ago