
Is there a way to write a script that runs robocopy conditionally and backs up only what is needed to be backed up at the destination path? (keep reading, this question is too long.)

Is there a way to write a script that runs robocopy conditionally and backs up only what is needed to be backed up at the destination path? To further elaborate - 

Is there a way to script a backup in such a way that the script can sniff out the destination location; and if the destination is up to date, it can skip that backup or backup object? In other words, for backup items that are potentially larger, can a script be made that only backs up exactly what’s needed, no more? i have the need for automated backups, i'm wanting to make machines backup to a network location upon, logoff, reboot, shutdown and logout. but if there is a ton of data, and the backup destination is already up to date; i do not want to create my own monster by redundant, time consuming, large backups every time a computer initiates a shutdown, log off, etc. i only want it to backup what is needed. I'm using a .bat file with robocopy. wanting to eventually make this a GPO once i get the kinks ironed out. 

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Answers (3)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
 /XO : eXclude Older - if destination file exists and is the same date                     or newer than the source - don’t bother to overwrite it.


  • Nice! thanks! - jcoffey 9 years ago
    • if that switch does it please mark it as answered - SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
      • will do for sure. - jcoffey 9 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
A scripted solution is too flaky, in my view. Do you want to tell your MD that, unfortunately, the backup script didn't run and the update he spent hours on yesterday is toast? You should be hosting your users' profiles to a backed-up network share.

  • I definitely thought about doing that, but have no experience in moving entire profiles to a network location. would you put this on your NAS? How did you go about doing that? if you have info about that i'd be glad to look it over. Could be the go-to solution for me after all. - jcoffey 9 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
>How did you go about doing that?
The network was set up that way from scratch. The process of migrating local profiles to network-located ones depends very much on how many users we're talking about. If it's under 100, it could be done, say, 5 at a time, probably manually. If it's 5,000...well, that becomes a project!

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