
Join domain rename x86 Windows XP scripted install not working correctly, machine reboots at wrong time or not at all

Hello all,

I'm attempting to run the join domain rename x86 post install task during a Windows XP scripted install.  I downloaded this task from here: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/How-to-rename-a-computer-and-join-it-to-a-Windows-domain-Image-Deployment

I have the join domain rename x64 one working in my Windows 7 build.  I set up the x86 one the same way.  I tested the x86 one by running it manually from the desktop.  It works correctly.

When I add this as a post install task at the beginning of my tasks, it runs, and then the tasks underneath it also start runing.  After 45 seconds the machine reboots right in the middle of it running another task, causing that install to fail.  Once it boots back up it does it again.

I tried moving the join domain rename x86 to the end of the list, but when I do this it doesn't run for some reason.  The machine logs on as the administrator and just sits on the desktop.  If I manually reboot the machine nothing happens.  I think this may be because once the join domain task starts, it jumps to the cleanup task at the end right away and deletes it...

How do I get this to run?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: edwimb 12 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

I tried adding a wait task after the join domain one.  The wait task works, but then when the machine reboots it doesn't remember the rest of the domain task and quits.

I believe I need something like this but for Windows XP: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/K2000-postinstall-task-converter?doc=%7B333C7C6B-F72A-47F7-A118-3CA263320645%7D

  • I tried moving the join domain task to the beginning, then I put two wait tasks after it (one for each reboot). This still fails. The machine is not added to the domain, and it is brought up to the desktop and sits there.

    I manually downloaded the join domain script and ran it from the desktop. It works correctly and the machine is added to the domain.

    I need a way to have post install tasks survive reboots on a Windows XP x86 machine. - edwimb 12 years ago
Posted by: JonathonV 12 years ago
Blue Belt

You can create reboots when certain tasks occur.

Use something like

taskkill /F /IM runonce.exe

shutdown /r /t 30 /c "Reboot initiated as part of deployment.  Please wait."


This will kill the runonce.exe task and stop them going any further, force a reboot and continue on the next autologon. You will need to adjust the autologon count to reflect the new reboots so that there are enough autologons

  • This doesn't work. The task tries to keep running. - edwimb 12 years ago
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