
K1000 Agent Settings - The Various Intervals?

In the Agent Settings I see multiple configurable Intervals. I have some questions as to how these settings relate to each other.

 I will describe how I understand these settings, and hopefully you can correct me and otherwise flesh out the desccription.

Agent Run Interval - The interval at which the agent "Runs," That is, check in.
Agent Inventory Interval - When the Agent "Runs", if the Inventory Interval has lapsed, the agent will do an inventory.
Scripting Update Interval - When the Agent "Runs", if the Scripting Update Interval has lapsed, the agent will run any assigned scripts.

So it seems that you would want to have an often "Run Interval" (like 1 hr), but if you wanted to be conservative with system resources, you would set the Inventory and Scripting intervals higher. So the agent runs every hour, but maybe only inventories on a 6 hour interval, I.E. once every 6 "Runs"

Ditto for Scripting.

Is this how the system works, or are the Scripting Update Interval's separated from the "Run" interval? 

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Answers (2)

Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt



You got the run and inventory right but the scripting update interval is there to update scripts that the system already has locally, not run it. Your scheduling does that.

example: You write a script and send it out to a machine at 10am. Then the scripting update internval (SUI) is set to 1 hour. What that means is that system that got the script will check to see if you have modified it on the KBOX server every hour. 


You acually want to keep the run and inventory at the same time because software distribution doesn't work until there is an inventory done. If you have a long time (6 hours) then when you set up a Managed installation, it won't run until the next inventory or you do a force check in. 


How many nodes are you manageing with the KBOX?

Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt

I would probably do the following

Run Interval - 3 or 4 hours

Inventory leave at 0

Scripting update - 4 hours to a 1 day depending on how often you plan on changing the scripts in the KBOX.

you want to check under Run how many machines are checking in per minute. Kace recommends I believe between 6-8 machines per minute as a good mark. 

  • I had machines that would lock up for about 1 minute while it was running the run interval and inventory at the same time, I canged my inventory to every 6 hours and it seem to fix my issue. - JimmytheGuru 11 years ago
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