
k1000 disk space is full

The appliances K1000 disk space is full. I can't access the K1000 WebGUI but it is pingable. Any suggestion?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 6 years ago
Red Belt
At first check which device is full.
On the console you will see something like:
file system full: /var 
If the filesystem /kbox is affected it may be sufficient to delete the updates
Go to the console (since it is scrolling the following needs to be made blind)
login as user: netdiag with the password: netdiag
and then run the command purgepatches
If unsure open a ticket with support.

  • if you are able to come in again, check your settings of Patching etc - Nico_K 6 years ago
  • Thank you for your response. The message I got on my email is "helpdesk01 kernel log messages:
    +pid ....... (mysqld), uid ..... inumber ....... on /kbox: filesystem full"
    Helpdesk01 is K1000. - Ghamdifast 6 years ago
    • yes, this is the main filesystem, so the webserver cannot "breathe" anymore. - Nico_K 6 years ago

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