
K1000 : Is it possible to have wildcards for users emails?

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We have outside vendors who put tickets in and currently we have to add each user so they can submit a ticket. Is there a way to have a wildcard for a domain such as: *@testvendor.com. The problem we are having is that if an outside vendor is not setup in the K1000 they cant submit a ticket and get a denied return email. Any help would be appreciated.  

Thank you,

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 7 years ago
Red Belt
I don't believe you can be exclusive like that, but you can allow the queue to accept email from unknown users. If the vendors are submitting to a specific queue then I would recommend turning on that option for that queue. 

  • Thank you for the response, yeah it does look like the only way to get that to work is to create a separate queue and allow anyone to email that queue, or just continue to add the users manually. - agahlbeck 7 years ago
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