
K1000: Mapping Network Drives via Scripting

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I am trying to run a script that allows me to run it on next client check in. Currently I have a script that I can manually run that first places a bat file in a directory and then runs that bat file. The bat file is a simple net use command (net use x: server/share). This seems to work well other than the fact that I cannot run it on client check in. If I set the script as an Offline script, I no longer have the Windows Run As option. Without this option, the batch file runs, however, it now hangs and requires the user to input their credentials in a command prompt, which is not ideal. Any ideas on how to accomplish mapping a network drive on next client check in?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt
enforce a registry setting and put the map command in hkcu\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run or runonce keys.  You can run the script as the user, they get registry mod and on the next boot the mapping runs


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