K1000 or K2000 for software deployment
ok, so I've got the systems deployment working on the K2000, just building up a library of drivers for each of our PC models.
I'm not sure what to do about software deployment though, is it best to deploy as postinstall tasks from the K2000 or to use the managed installations on the K1000?
Answers (4)
Back when I was a customer, I had all of my tasks setup on the K2 as postinstall tasks. When the deployment was done, I wanted it to be finished and not have to hand off to the K1 to finish. For me the K1 was for keeping that software up to date or deploying new software not available at time of deployment. Having both products does make the decision harder, but it is nice to have the flexibility to choose the option that works best for your organization and situation.
depends on the size of the installs. I use images so most of our software is prestaged in the images, confgured the way we want it to be. Other software is pushed via the k1000 MI's, it has better tracking, repair and uninstall of packages. The only software I install via the k2000 is the k1000 client and drivers.
I've tried both. I've found that if the K1 is trying to push out multiple tasks not all tasks get installed. You usually have to wait on the next check in, and it will finish up. I've worked around this by creating a label for new imaged machines, and then having them check in more frequently.
My personal opinion would be to create post install tasks on the K2 especially for software that does not change often. This guarantees all the software needed is installed.
We also have a share that stores all of our setup/ZIP files. If we create a MI that goes to the majority of machines already in production it's easy to take that same ZIP, and create a post install. - dugullett 11 years ago
ok, I have a few apps on the image too, vlc, vnc, cutepdf, ftp clients and such.
I was planning to use the K1 for stuff that'll need regular updates like flash, firefox etc...The K1 doesn't have ant ability to track the latest updates for apps does it? I'm thinking along the lines of the driver feed but for apps? - babaton 11 years ago-
You can setup patching on the K1 for those apps. It would depend on how you created your patching labels, and you patch schedules. Yes it does have the capability though. - dugullett 11 years ago